Wen Yujing squints at the man's proud look: "Yuanbao, take it up and see if it's fake."

"What are you talking about?"

"Who knows this kind of thing? After all, we don't know even if it's fake. " Wen Yujing said at leisure.

Yuanbao jumped from the tower and took away the imperial edict from the official. When he took it, the man didn't reflect it.

"You return the edict to us."

Wen Yujing looked at the imperial edict in his hand: "well, I asked you to help my brother-in-law, but what did you do? Toe high gas, yesterday also deliberately let my elder sister wait for a whole day, my elder sister is not only the general's wife, or the master of tongbaozhai, where do you come from in the face to do this? "

He gave the imperial edict in his hand to the people on the edge, and the civil servants on the edge opened it for a look. As Wen Yujing said, the emperor asked them to obey the general's arrangement. However, these people are really ungrateful. They are so arrogant. Who do you really think they are?

"Ha ha, the emperor said that you should obey the general's orders. You are so arrogant when you come. I must write a memorial to join you. There are so many things between the general and his wife. There is no time to deal with you."

"You open the door." As soon as the following people's face changed, they immediately opened their mouth and said, "if this matter is brought to the emperor's place, the emperor will not necessarily help them.".

"Don't you want to come? I'd rather chat ten miles away than come. It seems that I don't want to come to the border city. Since then, don't come in. Let's go. " The civil servant on the tower said with a cold snort.

The face of the people below was blue and white, very ugly.

"You You... "

"Don't say that we are against the emperor's orders. You are the one who opposes clearly. It has nothing to do with us." The man above left the sentence.

Wen Yujing didn't have anything to do. He looked at the angry people on the tower: "let the general's wife wait, and still speak ill of the general of Zhengguo. What a crime do you think you have? Now that the country is in crisis, even if you don't help, you can still do what you don't have. It's really unfortunate that Xiao Guo has officials like you. "

Yuanbao didn't say anything on the side, but he was very dismissive of the following people.

Ningmengyao knew that other officials in the city had closed the gate and slightly hooked up the corners of their mouths, while Muchen was speechless. These people were really helpless.

Such things can be done.

"Xiaoyao, aren't you afraid to make a scene?"

"Don't worry. They must have thought about the next thing if they can do that." Ningmengyao smiled and said,

sure enough, soon after leaving, Wenchen came to the general's house and gave the holy edict they got to ningmengyao: "madam, this is the holy edict in their hands."

Ning Mengyao looked at them admiringly and said, "well done."

Without the edict, she would like to see what kind of support these people have.

And without it, they can say anything, right?

"What's your bad idea, Xiaoyao?" Muchen asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't think of anything but thought about it. What would happen if we locked these people up as spies?" Ningmengyao felt her chin and looked at Muchen with bad intention.