Wen Yujing's eyes turned around and looked at Ning Mengyao. His eyes brightened and he asked, "elder sister, can I play casually?"

"Go ahead, don't play with people. If they die, they are in some trouble. We don't want to deal with these things when they are busy." Ning Mengyao looks at what Yu Jing tells him and says, for fear that he will accidentally kill these people.

Wen Yujing makes a gesture to Ning Mengyao, and then he laughs: "you can rest assured, elder sister, I will not go too far."

Ning Mengyao takes a look at Wen Yujing, and finally feels like letting him play.

After getting the permission of ningmengyao, he smiled at Yujing's insidious, and then left with the following Yuanbao.

Mu Chen looks at Ning Mengyao: "you treat these ministers as toys for the little three. Is it really OK?"

"What's the problem? Isn't that what they want to be toys for people? What does it have to do with us? " Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Muchen shakes her head. This girl is really so. I don't know what to say.

"You ah, well, the last batch of herbs will arrive tomorrow, and the food will probably arrive the day after tomorrow." Muchen thought of the reason why he came to find Ning Mengyao, and immediately said.

Ningmengyao nodded: "I'm going to the army to have a look. Would you like to go with me in the morning?"

"I won't go. I have something to do here. If I can't do it well, it will be a big trouble." Muchen shook her head and said.

Among them, now I'm afraid that only Wen Yujing has nothing to do. Otherwise, he won't go to harass those ministers.

"Well, I'll go by myself."

"Remember to take people."

"Don't worry." As far as her hand is concerned, no one can compare her. She is not so worried.

He rode alone to the barracks. When the barracks saw that it was Ning Mengyao, they hurriedly let him go: "madam."

"Madam, you are here."

"Yes, Madame."

Just arrived at the barracks, there were many people greeting ningmengyao. It can be seen how high ningmengyao's prestige was in the border city.

"Go ahead, I'll find your general." Ningmengyao waved to let them play.

According to my memory, when I went to the main camp, Ning Mengyao went in and saw that everyone loved to look at her. The eyes made Ning Mengyao feel helpless: "it's not that I haven't seen it. What are you doing when you look at me like this?"

"Yao Yao, why are you here? Is something happening? " Qiao Tianchang gets up and pulls Ning Mengyao to his side to sit down, frowns and asks with some worry.

Ning Mengyao smiled and shook his head: "it's OK. Those people will give it to Xiao San to play."

When people nearby heard that ningmengyao had given their colleagues to play, they were not angry, but they took it for granted.

"Madame, those people really don't know what to do. They should learn some lessons." Said the man on the side in a cold voice.

Ning Mengyao looked at them like this, and said it was very interesting: "aren't you afraid that Xiao San will kill people for fun?"

"Madame is prudent. I'm sure she won't do such a thing. We are very relieved."

"You believe me, but Tianchang people are saying that you want to rebel." Ning Mengyao said with a funny look at Qiao Tianchang.

They look at Ning Mengyao with a very frightening look: "sister in law, are you sure you are not joking with us?"

Ning Mengyao pointed to herself and asked with a smile, "do you think I'm joking with you like this?"

"What's wrong with their minds?" The only thing Ryan can say is that.

Ning Mengyao smiled: "who says not? And they are also very smart. They think we have killed mu'er or made him into a puppet who only listens to us. "

Ryan had a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. He really doubted the brain capacity of those people.

"Sister in law, I really doubt how they are going to be officials." Such words can be said, these people's brains are eaten by the dog?