"The business of being an official is not to protect the officials, and haven't you heard of a word called donating officials?" Ning Mengyao looks at Lei An and says quietly.

In fact, many civil servants can donate. It's not like a military official can rise step by step depending on your merit. Sometimes, he doesn't necessarily rise to the top, but can only be a small soldier all the time. This is the difference between civil and military officials.

Lei An looks at Ning Mengyao in silence: "don't let go of those people, sister-in-law."

"I don't want to let go of the junior. They scolded Tianchang, who was heard by the junior. He is very angry now. Do you think he can let go of these people?" Ning Mengyao said with a funny voice.

It's also known that Yu Jing lei'an heard the words of their eldest brother and sister-in-law, and respected them very much, even more than his father and mother. Now it's strange to hear someone scold Qiao Tianchang in front of him. His anger can be reduced.

What's more, yesterday these people made arrangements for their sister-in-law to wait outside for a whole day. It was strange to hear that Yujing didn't revenge.

"Well, let's play a little bit." Qiao Tianchang said something just like Ning Mengyao. He wanted to teach those people a lesson. As long as they didn't play, they would be OK.

Ryan reached for his chin and wondered if he should go for a bit?

"Uncle Ryan, you still have a lot to do. I'm afraid you can't go." Seeing that he didn't mean well, Shi Song on the edge of lei'an said directly, but what he said was very discontented, especially lei'an.

"Hey, Shisong, you don't talk. No one thinks you're dumb." Although that's what he said, it's also true that there are many things about him now, and he really doesn't have the time to meet these things regularly.

"Ryan, what do you think of my apprentice?" Yu Feng squints at lei'an and asks with a smile. Lei'an's body is a little stiff because of his light appearance.

“…… I said brother Yufeng was joking. Don't take it seriously. " Ryan said in a hurry.

Yu Feng took a cool look at lei'an, not saying, "what's the matter with you, Xiaoyao?"

"The last batch of herbs will arrive tomorrow afternoon, and the food will probably come the day after tomorrow." Said Ning Mengyao.

When the general below heard Ning Mengyao's words, the smile on his face suddenly increased. I'm afraid this battle is the most reassuring one for them.

The war really hasn't started. They don't lack food and money and medicine. Looking at the things they secretly hide, several generals are very excited. Without worries, they will fight more vigorously.

"Madame, I don't know what to say, but thank you very much." The food of hundreds of thousands of troops was brought out by the madam. There are also various kinds of herbs. How much will it cost.

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at their lips and slightly hooked them up: "I have a lot of food, I'm afraid you can't eat it."

Qiao Tianchang's subordinates were stunned, and then they laughed. Their wife's food really wanted them to eat, and they couldn't eat it even if it was too much.

Ningmengyao looks at them with a smile, and the corners of her mouth slightly hook up. If she looks out like nothing, Qiao Tianchang's eyes are also cold.

"Well, that's all for today." Qiao Tianchang said first.

Everyone laughed: "when madam comes, the general will drive us away."

Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows and looked at the person who dared to challenge him. He said smilingly, "why do you seem to have a problem?"

"No, we have absolutely no opinion." The crowd shook their heads.

The general hasn't been back for several days. He spends every day in the barracks with them. Now that his wife is here, how can they do such an unintelligible thing.

"General, madam, we'll go first."

Yu Feng also dragged the stone pines out. As for Lei An, they also left.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and says angrily, "I think my reputation will be destroyed by you, and it's completely destroyed."

"We are husband and wife, what fame do we need?"