When the following people heard Wen Yujing's words like this, they suddenly became angry: "how does Qiao Tianchang manage the border city? There are some such people. The emperor has been deceived. "

Wen Yujing looked at the people beside him with innocent eyes: "did I say anything? I'm just saying the truth. Why are they so excited? "

"I don't know."

"Are you crazy about gain and loss? I'm just telling you the truth, you are so angry, and what does this have to do with the emperor? What's the reason for you to lose the Edict and blame us? " Wen Yujing said grandly.

His words let people on the sidelines thoroughly understand what it means to say lies with open eyes and what it means to confuse right and wrong.

"Who are you? We want to see Qiao Tianchang, but we need to see if Qiao Tianchang dares not to put the emperor in the eye. "

Wen Yujing looked at the following people with a look of contempt: "we will certainly not put the emperor in the eyes, because we put him in the heart, you put the emperor in the eyes, is the first to say that he is your eyesore, thorn in the flesh?"

"You You're talking nonsense. " The following people are going to die of anger. How can there be such unreasonable people who make trouble and confuse black and white?

"I'm bullshit. Then you ask our officials, soldiers and ordinary people in the border city, which one doesn't put the emperor in mind? Where can you talk about the emperor like this? Who knows if you respect the emperor or scold him in your heart Wen Yujing didn't appreciate it at all, but took it for granted.

People on the sidelines are about to laugh. Where did their wife find such a younger brother? What they said is too poisonous. It's just annoying to see people like this.

The following bodyguards are all concerned about not looking at the appearance of these ministers. The Royal doctors have already said that don't provoke general Qiao. Are you ok now? Don't be so angry when they are locked out. Isn't that what they are looking for?

Wen Yujing looked at him like that, and his mouth slightly hooked up: "are you ok? I think you look like that. I'm really worried about whether I'm pissed off by you. If I'm pissed off by people, my guilt will be great. "

"You I... Puff. " The one who talked to Yujing, who didn't resist, was spitting blood directly.

Wen Yujing was very disappointed and looked at the person who vomited blood: "you say that you are a very old man. What are you doing here in the border city? If you are knocked and touched, we can't afford it."

Yuanbao can't help but look at wenyujing. It's a rare time for him to see wenyujing like this. It's a real nostalgia.

When Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao came, the one who shouted the most and scolded Qiao Tianchang was already spitting blood.

"What are you doing? You've made people dizzy, haven't you poisoned them? But it doesn't matter. We don't have much here. The doctor has the most. Even if he has only one breath left, I can make him live well. " Ning Mengyao looked at the person who didn't know when to pass out, and said casually.

"Sister, brother-in-law, why are you here?" Wen Yujing hurriedly walked over and said with a smile, don't mention how cute that is, but the people beside him have seen Wen Yujing's poisonous tongue for a long time, and don't think he can treat others well.

"If we don't come, you won't die playing with people?"