Wen Yujing looked at Ning Mengyao discontentedly and said, "sister, do I look so unreliable? You don't believe me like that? "

"It's not that you're not reliable, but I think you're too reliable to let you continue playing." Ning Mengyao has been referring to the person who looks down and faints.

Wen Yujing naturally saw Ning Mengyao's vision. He glared at the following people discontentedly and said, "elder sister, it has nothing to do with me. It's their own psychological endurance that is too poor to bear even such a little blow."

The following people heard ningmengyao's voice, some people were angry: "ningmengyao what do you mean? We are sent by the emperor. How can you do this to us? "

"Oh? I don't know what I did to you? Why don't I know? " Ningmengyao looked at them blind and said that she had done nothing.

"What do you mean by blocking us like this? When we come, you can't even open the city gate. Do you want to resist? "

"Objection? I don't know where your edict is? " Ning Mengyao asked, frowning at the people in front of her.

The man just wanted someone to take the holy edict, and then remembered that the holy edict had been taken away: "your brother took it away."

"Little three, did you take away the edict?" Ningmengyao frowned and asked after hearing Yujing.

Wen Yujing shook his head decisively: "elder sister, I certainly didn't take away their edict. Who am I? I dare to touch the hemp?"

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a smile quickly. This kid's ability of telling lies with his eyes open really makes people feel inferior.

"My brother said that he did not take your holy edict. You said that he gave it to my brother. Why did you give it to him? Before the edict is given to Tianchang, you will give it to others first. Are you ignoring the king's law? " Ning Mengyao looked at the people below and asked coldly.

The following people are all stupid at once. What's the matter? Didn't they come to trouble Ning Mengyao? Now why has become a trouble for ningmengyao to find them.

"We want to see general Joe."

"Well, now you know how to call a general? Isn't that what Joe Tianchang said just now? Yes? Dare not say it now? " Ningmengyao didn't speak, so he heard Yujing's sarcastic words.

Ningmengyao didn't speak, so he looked at the people under Yujing and buried them. After that, he looked at Qiao Tianchang standing beside him: "Tianchang people want to see you."

Qiao Tianchang came out from the back, stood on the city tower and looked down at the people below. Some people wanted to shout when they saw Qiao Tianchang, but when they touched Qiao Tianchang's extremely cold eyes, they dared not say anything.

"What do you mean, general Joe?"

"What do you mean? We received the news that you should have been in the city before noon, so my wife put down all the things to meet you at the gate, but you let her wait for a whole day at the gate, and you? You're sitting together talking, what? You can't stand standing out for a while now? " Qiao Tianchang squints at the people below. As long as he thinks that Ning Mengyao should be pigeoned by these people, his mood is very upset, and he is very angry. He is very angry, and these people naturally have no good fruit to eat.

"General Joe asked us to come. You can't do this to us." The following people feel that they have some faults and dare not shout about anything.

"Don't you want to come? If that's the case, just stand outside and come in. "