"Oh, what did they say? What do you mean to let my brother-in-law meet you personally? If you don't, you won't go to the city. Why are you here to come in now? " Wen Yujing said with a smile on his face.

Qiao Tianchang ignores Wen Yujing. If you want to play, you can play. These people should also clean up.

"Is that what kind of aristocracy you really are? How precious is our wife's time to stand at the gate of the city and wait for them all day? Are they entitled to have their wife wait so long here? " The civil servant on the side said angrily.

"That's to say, we asked our wife to go back to have a rest. She also helped them to talk. She said that there must be something they can't do. It's not what we thought, but who knows? See what these people have done? I don't know what to do. "

All of you, I'll tell you that the faces of the following people are very ugly, and their expressions are also very ugly.

The following people now understand that the means they used yesterday to suppress Qiao Tianchang has aroused their anger. It is more difficult to enter the city and do something here.

This time, they can see clearly that the prestige of Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang in this place has reached a frightening level.

They suddenly regret that they did that yesterday, but now that they have done it, it seems too late to regret again?

Wen Yujing looked at their chagrin and smiled smugly. What are they going to do? Do you know regret now? It's a pity. It seems that it's too late to regret now, because they don't want them to come.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at the anxious people below: "what you have done, general, has been written into a memorial, you Take care of yourself. Let's go, junior. "

"Let's go, brother-in-law. I want to play here." Wen Yujing said directly if he didn't want to.

Joe thought about it, and he would go with him if he didn't say anything.

"Since you like it, you can stay here."

Wen Yujing blinked, and when Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao left, they frowned and said, "Yuanbao, how can I hear this so strange? There seems to be something wrong. "

Yuanbao took a silent look at Yujing, but he couldn't bear to look at him like this. People's words were so obvious that he didn't even respond.

"Forget it, don't think about it. Anyway, my sister and brother-in-law can't pit me." When Yuanbao wanted to say something, he heard Wen Yujing say something like this. Suddenly, Yuanbao's words were all swallowed, and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Come on, he still don't say anything. In this guy's heart, no one can replace his elder sister and brother-in-law, and no one can replace them. But why does he feel so sorry to think of this?

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "I'm airing people like this?"

"Isn't there another junior there? It's not like it's airing. " Said Joe Tianchang.

He didn't give up to let Ning Mengyao and so on. They dare to do such a thing. They are really looking for cigarettes. No wonder.