Jomo Shang didn't continue to say anything after he looked at Huangfu Qing. He just didn't say a word when he looked at him. That made Huangfu Qing feel like being stared at.

"If you have something to say, don't look at me like this, I will be embarrassed." Huangfu Qing pretended to be very shy.

Jomo Shang takes a deep breath and ignores the person in front of him.

"You've been out for more than a year. There's no problem with the Huangfu family?" Asked Jomo Shang, frowning.

As the young leader of Huangfu's family, some people in Huangfu's family will be unhappy for such a long time. Is he really OK?

"Ha ha, what can they do to me? Give them two guts and they dare not. " His cooperation with Ning Mengyao made the Huangfu family dare not move.

The cooperation with Ning Mengyao is their one-sided cooperation. As long as other people die, the cooperation will automatically terminate. If the Huangfu family's people are not really stupid enough to be hopeless, they will not really do anything, because this is no doubt that they are looking for death.

Jomo Shang thought about it carefully, as if he was right: "then you can stay here for a while."

“……” Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao moshang very speechless: "what you want to say is actually the last sentence?"

"Now we are in need of people. Although you are a little stupid and busy, your martial arts are still good. Free thugs should not be wasted. Are you right?"

"I want to clean you up." Huangfu said with gnashing teeth.

"You can't beat me." Jomo Shang said the truth cruelly.

Huangfu held the corner of his mouth and twitched slightly. He was cruel and said angrily, "I will beat you even if I can't fight." And then he went straight to work.

Jomo Shang didn't hide either. He went up directly.

There are a lot of soldiers on the edge. When they see that Jomo Shang is fighting with others, they have bright eyes.

"Wow, master Shang has become more powerful."

"I don't know who is the son of young master Shang. Compared with the former generals, it's blue." Since Joe Tianchang entered the barracks, he followed his men and said excitedly.

He thinks the general is the most powerful. But now, his son is also very good. It's really good to see this method.

The man on the side nodded: "that's right, but it's also very powerful to fight with young master Shang."

They had a hot fight, and the people beside them were very excited.

"They're too good."

Qiao Tianchang looked at these idle people on the edge. He wanted to punish them, but he just thought about it or didn't, let them have a look, and save how long he thought he was the best in the world.

The people on the side thought that Joe Tianchang was angry when they looked at him, but it seemed that nothing happened after a careful look, which was completely reassuring.

He reached out and touched the sweat on his face. Well, as expected, the most powerful one was their general.

When they stopped, they all had sweat on their faces, but it seemed that they were very excited.

"Not bad." When Qiao moshang looked over, Qiao Tianchang spoke directly, and talked about the inadequacies of both of them.

Huangfu Qing listened very carefully, because Qiao Tianchang didn't always point them out, and he would have a lot of gains every time he pointed them out.

"Dad, if you don't say I haven't found it yet, I don't think it's right."

"Or how can I be your father?"

Jomo is speechless. Does it have anything to do with his father?