"Shanger, do you seem to have a problem?" Qiao Tianchang looked at his son and raised his eyebrows.

Jomo Shangs hurriedly shakes his head: "I certainly have no opinion, but Dad, should we do something else now?"

"Let's go. I'll take you to find Shisong and Uncle Lei. The army in the barracks is basically in the hands of two people." Qiao Tianchang said as he walked.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a faint light. The way of calculation was so good to be seen by Yu Feng. He looked at Qiao moshang sympathetically. With such a second uncle and Dad, he didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky.

But Yufeng is very happy, because there is a play to watch, he will not remind the two children naturally.

Jomo mourns they show up for Ryan.

The people there didn't react much when they saw Jomo mourning them.

Jomo Shang is a little confused, I don't know what kind of situation it is now: "Dad?"

"Whether they can recognize you or not depends on your own ability." Qiao Tianchang said playfully.

“……” Qiao moshang and the people behind him are very speechless looking at Qiao Tianchang. Is it really good to entrap people like this?

When Ryan came out of the tent, they were very happy to see Jomo Shang: "prince."

"Uncle Ryan."

"This is the prince and the eldest brother's Jomo Shangs."

When they saw Jomo Shangs, they didn't respond, which made Ryan very helpless: "you didn't hear me?"

"What are all these little kids doing here? What are you going to do? " Some of them said.

Ryan's brow was frowning, and he was not satisfied. He was stopped by Qiao Tianchang just when he wanted to speak.


Joe Tianchang shook his head at him, and a pale smile came from the corner of his mouth. The expression on his face was very strange.

"Let them do it by themselves. If you open your mouth, your people will listen to them later, but they won't be sincere. It's not good." Joe Tianchang said analytically.

Ryan thinks it's the same thing, but

After seeing Jomo Shangs, they said: "boss, is this really OK?

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "naturally, it's OK."

Ryan looked at Joe Tianchang for a long time, and he was speechless: "boss, I think they will hate you."

"Well, I know."

“……” Ryan is speechless. Is it really good to agree so soon?

Jomo Shang looks at these people's eyes and turns cold: "you seem to despise us very much?"

"Aren't we obvious enough? You can only come here by virtue of being the general's son and Prince, or who do you think you are? "

Listening to these people's insults, Jomo Shang was not angry, but his face was getting ugly.

"Ha ha, let's do it." Qiao moshang's voice has just fallen, and their figure has reached the crowd.

Those who said bad things about them just now were all caught by Jomo and thrown in front of them.

After all the people were arrested, Jomo Shang didn't have any extra words, just looked at the dozens of people: "let's try, let's see why we are here."

The people on the ground sneered, rose from the ground once, and at the same time began to work on the two people.

Qiao moshang and Xiao Mu are back to back, protecting themselves and protecting each other's back.

"You should try your best, or it will be too ugly to lose. That is to lose my father's face. Then I will see why you stay with him."