Joe gave a cold snort, and he didn't dare to do anything unless he was looking for something to clean up.

Shrinking his neck, Ryan hurriedly took people away, and Jomo Shang spread out his hand. There was a blood mark in the palm of his hand, and there were blood beads on it.

"Brother Shang, you are injured." When Xiao Mu saw that Qiao Mo's hand was hurt, he said in a hurry.

Jomo Shang shook his head and looked at the person who left as if thinking: "I'm ok, it's just a small injury."

Qiao Tianchang reached for his son's hand and looked at the wound that was obviously scratched by the dagger.

"What did you find?" Qiao Tianchang looked at his son and asked indifferently.

"Dad, I found that barracks were really fun." Qiao moshang looks at Qiao Tianchang with a smile. His eyes are all excited.

If it wasn't for a long time that he said he wanted to be a military division for Xiao Mu, he really wanted to stay here. There should be a lot of interesting people here, right?

Qiao Tianchang raises eyebrows to look at Qiao Mo Shang: "don't want to start?"

"Why should I do it? Isn't that interesting? " Jomo Shanger laughs playfully. Now he is not so sure. We should wait for other things to be confirmed.

Qiao Tianchang looked at his son and shook his head helplessly. He reached out and nodded his forehead: "you look at the class yourself, but don't let yourself in. It's not a good thing."

"Father, am I such a fool?" Joe Mo Shang sneered and dared to hurt him, but he had to pay a price, especially by such disgraceful means.

Joe thought about it and nodded, "like."

"My father and I are your son. Are they as black as you are?" Qiao Mo Shang looks at Qiao Tianchang discontentedly and says angrily.

Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing: "OK, you boy, are you really angry?"

"I'm not that stingy, Dad. I'll go and have a look."

"I want to go, brother Shang."

"Let's go."

After they left, Zhao Mingyu looked at the people in front of him vaguely: "what were they talking about just now? I didn't understand. "

Huangfu Qing looks at Zhao Mingyu and shakes his head helplessly: "I said you can really do it? It's so obvious that you haven't understood. How stupid you are. "

"Huangfu, you need to fight."

"White Zhao Mingyu one eye:" beat but I go to one side

Huangfu Qing followed them, but Doudou didn't follow them. He didn't think it was interesting.

"Doudou will not go?"

"No fun, Dad. I want to go back."

"Well? Didn't you come to understand today? So soon? " Joe Tianchang looks at his son unexpectedly.

Doudou nodded to show that he was right, but he shook his head again: "although he is right, it's just dad, I suddenly think it's not good-looking. I might as well go back to chat with my mother."

"What do you want to know?" Qiao Tianchang helplessly looked at his son and asked.

Doudou thought about it, and then said seriously, "Dad and I are very interested in our uncle. How did he know you? I think your relationship looks good. "

"He? I met your uncle when I went to find him. Then he caught up with him and couldn't get rid of him. " Qiao Tianchang thought of what happened at that time and said that he was speechless. The boy who smelled Yujing was a piece of brown sugar that couldn't be thrown away. Although he didn't like it very much, he didn't dislike it so much. After all, it was really hard for him to dislike it.