Doudou looks at his father by accident and says in surprise, "Dad, there is another man beside my mother. Do you mind?"

“……” Looking at his seven-year-old son, Qiao moshang suddenly wants to slap him?

"Tianchang, you see, even Doudou knows that you are possessive. Did you say that your father was a failure?" Said the wind gloating.

At Yu Feng's glance, Qiao Tianchang said contemptuously, "a man who is jealous of his son is not qualified to say I am."

“……” Yufeng choked. He seemed to be like this.

Yufeng looks at Qiao Tianchang and doesn't understand: "you don't like Xiaoyao's proximity to these children, but why do you say nothing when they are tired of being around Xiaoyao, as if you don't mind anything?" He is really curious about this.

Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Feng: "do you want to know?"


"Uncle will not do such a stupid thing because his father is not you." Doudou looks at the two people and suddenly says a word that makes people collapse.

Yufeng looks at Doudou: "are you looking for a fight, little guy?"

"My father and uncle are going to hit me." Doudou quickly hides behind Qiao Tianchang and makes a face to resist the wind.

Qiao Tianchang doesn't speak when he looks at Yufeng, but in this way, Yufeng surrenders directly.

"When I didn't say it, wouldn't it?" The wind is silent.

In Joe Tianchang's heart, his children, in addition to his ability to clean up, others do not want to think.

He said this, not stabbing the horse honeycomb is what?

Doudou smiles smugly. Their father is the best. No one can match him.

"Let's go. As for the rest, let your brother deal with it by himself."

"Good" Doudou happily hugs Qiao Tianchang's neck. His father hasn't hugged him for a long time.

Yufeng looks at Qiao Tianchang, who left with Doudou in his arms, and suddenly knows where the difference between him and Qiao Tianchang is.

I seem to understand why those boys like him so much.

Follow Qiao Tianchang and leave behind them. Yufeng listens to Doudou's Twitter and talks to Qiao Tianchang. Hearing Qiao Tianchang's patient answer to Doudou's question, he suddenly feels that he is in breach of duty.

"Tianchang, I understand why they are so awed of you, but they like you so much." Yu Feng came to them a few steps, looking at Qiao Tianchang very seriously.

"Well, you can envy it." Joe Tianchang's head didn't return.

Doudou covers his mouth, secretly smiles, and his eyes turn.

Seeing his son like this, Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and touched his head. His eyes flashed a thick smile: "Doudou go back to play the piano for Dad."

"Well, Dad, can you see how I compare with more than a year ago?" Doudou said with bright eyes.

Although his mother said that he was very good now, he still wanted to let his father know that he was very good.

Maybe it's something every child wants to do. Let his father recognize his growth and everything.

Qiao Tianchang naturally won't refuse: "well, before your mother tested you, I didn't see it. I also saw how powerful our Doudou is now."


Yufeng didn't know when he stopped. Compared with Qiao Tianchang, he was really derelict. Did he care about his son's growth?