Now I don't think so. Every time sheng'er wants to talk to him, he just listens to him casually and says a few words perfunctorily. Gradually sheng'er doesn't want to talk to him.

Every time something happened, they would go to Tianchang or xiaoyao'er. They seem to know their son better than themselves and Ruolin, what they like, what they don't like, and what they are unhappy about. Compared with them, they are really like an incompetent father.

Yufeng began to reflect on what he had done for his son these years. It seemed that he had thrown all of them to Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife except for some things he had to do, because they had a good education for their children.

He reached out and rubbed his brow and heart. He seemed to miss a lot.

Qiao Tianchang in front saw that Yu Feng didn't keep up with him. Turning around, he saw that he looked at himself with complicated eyes, which were actually very familiar to Qiao Tianchang.

"Yu Feng thinks about what you were like when you had sheng'er. Think about you now." Qiao Tianchang just said such a sentence and left with Doudou.

Doudou looks at Qiao Tianchang confused: "Dad, what did you say to your uncle? I don't understand. "

"Doudou is still small. You don't need to understand what we are talking about." These are adult's things. He just needs to do his own things.

Yu Feng is stunned for a moment, thinking of Mei Ruolin's own when she was just pregnant, and then thinking of his happiness and bewilderment when the baby was born. Thinking about now, Yu Feng suddenly seems to understand.

Turning back to the barracks, he should get along well with his son.

Yu Sheng follows Qiao moshang and looks at them from time to time. When Qiao moshang doesn't speak, they stand at the theatre for a while. They don't want to start at all.

"Brother Shang, shall we do that?" Yu Sheng looked at Qiao Mo Shang curiously and asked.

"Well, let's go." Jomo Shang nodded. They have already let the important people here recognize them. As for other people, it doesn't matter. They are not looking for the unimportant people.

Shisong looked at Qiao Mo who came in from the outside and hurt them, with a big smile on his face: "great, you finally come, how about it? Did you have a good time? " Shisong has pointed out.

Jomo Shang takes a look at Shi Song: "it seems that you are very happy here."

Stone song a Leng, then couldn't help laughing: "this is of course, this place is the most suitable for my survival."

Up to now, he is still in a great rush to market Qiao moshang. If it's not him, there will be no him today. Sometimes he is wondering whether it was arranged by heaven that he met Qiao moshang's family, and then he has a master's nun and a lovely little younger martial brother.

"Younger martial brother, you are back. Are you tired during this period?" Shisong asked with a smile at Yusheng.

Yu Sheng shook his head. "I'm not tired."

"Master sheng'er is here." Shisong suddenly looked not far away and said.

Yu Sheng was stunned. He turned to look at Yu Feng, and frowned slightly: "I know."

Qiao moshang looks at Yu Sheng and says, "what are you doing? Don't you always want to tell your uncle about tongbaozhai? "

"What can I say? He doesn't want to know. " Yu Sheng lowered his eyes and said that he could not express his loss.

It used to be the same. What he learned was that he wanted to tell his father the most, but he didn't seem to want to hear so much, and slowly he didn't say it.