Shisong looked at Yusheng and frowned and said, "little brother Shifu doesn't mean that."

"Needless to say, I know that." Yu Sheng didn't want to hear what Shi Song said at all. He would rather have his aunt say it to them than his parents. Anyway, they wouldn't care.

When Qiao moshang saw Yusheng's appearance, he frowned slightly. He didn't know how to persuade Yusheng.

"Did you misunderstand Yusheng?"

"No, I went back to find Doudou to play with brother Shang. He must have gone back with his uncle." Yu Sheng took a look around, but did not see Doudou. He immediately said.


"Sheng'er, where are you going?" Yu Feng looks at Yu Sheng and asks.

"Do you care where I go?" Yu Sheng lowered his eyes and said casually.

Yu Feng frowns at his son: "what do you say?"

Yu Sheng looked up at Yu Feng and was not afraid of him. Whether he was angry or not, he said directly, "isn't it? When did you care what I did? Whether I study or practice martial arts, you all throw an aunt. When did you take care of me? "

No matter how good they are, they can learn a lot from their aunts.

Yu Feng looks at his son in astonishment. Is he such a person in his heart?

"That's what you think, sheng'er?"

"What else would I think? You don't care what I tell you. What's the point of asking now? You're my father. I've always known that, but since you don't want to ask about my affairs, don't worry about it. Where I'm going. " With that, I'm ready to go straight to the side.

"Pa", Yu Feng slaps Yu Sheng in the face.

Staring at his hand, Yufeng regretted that he had come to know his son, but now he has beaten him. This This...

"Sheng'er, I......"

"Do you want to fight again? If you don't hit me, go ahead. " Yu Sheng didn't look at Yu Feng with his head down. After saying this, he ran away.

Shi Song responds and chases up. Qiao moshang frowns and looks at Yu Feng: "uncle, why are you looking for Yu Sheng? Is it to fight him? "

"I'm not."

"Yusheng is more sensitive than you think. Xiaomu, go to find your mother. I'll go after Yusheng."

"I'll be right away." Xiao Mu hurriedly ran out, and Qiao moshang also chased Yu Sheng in the direction of running.

Yufeng looks at his hand, his eyes are stunned. He even hits sheng'er. How can he do this.

After catching up with Yu Sheng, Shi Song quickly reached out his hand to hold the man: "sheng'er, Shifu didn't mean it. Don't be angry, OK?"

"Get out of the way." Yu Sheng couldn't hear what Shi Song said at all. He just looked at him and said coldly.

"Sheng'er, you..."

"I asked you to get out of the way, didn't you hear me?" Yu Sheng's little face collapsed tightly, and his mind was full of things that Yu Feng beat him.

Qiao moshang then chased up: "Shisong, you do your work. Yusheng has given it to me. If my mother comes, you will tell him we are here."


After waiting for Shi Song to leave, Qiao moshang looks at Yu Sheng: "uncomfortable?"

"Is brother Shang not good enough for me, so he doesn't like me like this?" Yu Sheng asked in a hoarse voice.

Qiao Mo Shang's eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "why do you think your uncle doesn't like you?"

"He never plays with us like an uncle, or listens to me like an uncle. Every time I stick to my aunt, my uncle doesn't get angry, but he's different. He's very angry, and his mother doesn't like me. I think a lot of times, why didn't he like me when I was born?" They used to like Yufeng very much. I don't know when they started. They didn't care about him. They didn't care about anything when they threw him to their aunt and uncle. He was really depressed. Was he so unattractive?