Qiao moshang's face was full of a bad smile, which made Zhao Mingyu feel chilly. This man was terrible, especially now.

"I want you to tell me what you want to do, so that I can prepare for it." Zhao Mingyu swallowed his saliva and said uncertainly.

Looking at Zhao Mingyu who was scared to look like this, Qiao moshang tut twice, his eyes were cold smiles: "I will not deal with you, as for you?"

"Why not? You look like this, you know you're calculating people. "

Did not look at the edge of the people a good angry, Joe Mo Shang very disgusted said: "what are you worried about? I'm not calculating you. "

Zhao Mingyu thought it was the same thing, so he was not so worried.

Because of such an episode, Zhao Mingyu also forgot to ask Qiao moshang about it, and the latter didn't mention it.

If such a thing is said now, isn't it meaningless?

The people of the Xiao family kept talking about what to do next. Xiao Zitian sat on the edge like an outsider. He didn't say anything, but listened to them arguing. It was not so good.

Looking at the chattering people in front of her, Xiao Zi's eyes flashed cold and sarcasm, and so on. Did they want to fight them? Don't make fun of it, will you? This joke is not funny at all.

"Young master..."

"Shhh, let them decide for themselves. When the time comes, they will put all the responsibilities on me. After all, this is not something we can manage." Xiao Zixun said that it was not clear.

In this failure, they just put all the responsibilities on him, as if they didn't do anything. This matter has nothing to do with them, which makes Xiao Zitian feel very ironic.

In fact, he also knows their mind. As long as they win, it's on them. If they lose, it's his business. If they fail many times, no matter what happens at last, whether they lose or win, they will die.

Cloud a little bit of the head, quietly standing on edge, no intention to speak.

The arguments of the Xiao family lasted for a long time, and there was no result. Some people found out that Xiao Zitian had not spoken all the time, and immediately turned to look at Xiao Zitian: "do you have any idea?"

"Ideas? Do you think I should have any ideas? I think I'm just a puppet in your mind. Where does the puppet come from? Isn't it what you say and what I'm going to do? " Xiao Zitian looked at them curiously and asked.

The people of the Xiao family could not speak because of Xiao Zitian's words, and their eyes were obviously bad.

"What do you mean Xiao Zi is looking for you?"

"That's what you heard. What's the matter? What do you think is wrong? That's a pity. I think it's really good now. I don't need to do anything, just help you carry the black pot. Isn't that the best for you and me? " Xiao Zitian looked at them and asked.

The people of the Xiao family were embarrassed and at a loss by the look in Xiao Zixun's eyes.

"You Nonsense what? "

"Well? Isn't that what you plan to do? In this case, why am I responsible for what you do? Now that you have done it, don't deny it. It will only make people look down on you. " Xiao Zitian looked at their words and said, "that's so ironic and annoying in their eyes.".

The people of Xiao family are really angry by Xiao Zitian: "Xiao Zitian, get out of here."

Since they all let him out, he won't stay here any longer. The people here are very old. He can't afford to be angry by him.

"Cloud one, let's go."

"It's the young master."

The people of the Xiao family watched as Xiao Zitian left with people. They just said that, but they didn't expect that people would really leave.