Xiao Zitian walked out of the room and sat down at any place. Looking at Xiao Zitian's bold and unconstrained appearance, cloud suddenly flashed obvious helplessness: "I really have never seen you like this, young master."

Xiao Zitian stretched out a big stretch: "there are many things you don't know."

When they stay together with Jomo Shang, they are all light when sitting on the ground. Most of the time, they are crawling and rolling. There is no clean time on their bodies, but they are also very happy at that time.

Cloud is speechless. The young master used to be a little bit of a purist. If he sat on the ground, he would not be happy for a long time if he was dirty.

"What about your cleanliness, young master?"

"They were cured by Jomo." Xiao Zitian said it casually, but Yun Yi was completely speechless. The feeling was still because of them, young master Qiao.

However, what Yun Yi didn't know was that Qiao moshang's cleanliness really reached a point where he could walk on the ground with you the moment before, and then he could kick people directly into the pond because of the dirt on you. He has experienced such things, and it's not only once.

Every time I don't want Jomo Shang to kick directly into the pond, he wants to clean Jomo Shang very much. He has a habit of cleanliness. It's his own business. Why should I kick them all into the pond?

He also asked Qiao moshang, and what was the answer given by Qiao moshang? He couldn't stand their dirty appearance.

When did they get dirty? They just didn't come to rush to clean themselves up, OK?

Thinking of the way they were despised, Xiao Zitian thought that it was not easy for Qiao Tianchang to raise such a son. Qiao mofeng and the twins were both normal.

When the two people are talking here leisurely, the Xiao family is not so happy. Without Xiao Zixun, they will continue to discuss the affairs of Xiao.

After the silence, one of them frowned and said, "are we really going to take out the last card?"? This is too... "

"Or what? Now poison man has no use for them. If we continue like this, our people will only be killed by them one by one, and then we will have no chance to turn over the dish. "

Although that's what they said, some people still don't agree to take out their last card.

"It's not very good for us to show the bottom card now. We don't know Xiao's bottom card." Someone said.

The people on the edge looked at the people in front of them with a kind of speechless eyes, and looked at them with a very indecent look: "looking for the bottom card of Xiao kingdom? They can use that kind of mine to blow up all of us here. What else do you want? "

All of them were silent at once. Yes, they all seem to have forgotten that there are many mines in Ning Mengyao's hands, which they are afraid of.

This time, we didn't discuss it, so we had to let the people on the sidelines refute their proposal.

When they hesitated, lei'an had come to their base secretly with people under the command of Jomo Shang, and killed nearly a quarter of the people of the Xiao family overnight.

When the people of the Xiao family saw this kind of scene, their faces changed. They never thought that the people of the state of Xiao would come to attack them. Is that what they would do?

"Young master Qiao moshang, they are really good at killing so many people. But he is not afraid that the Xiao family will jump the wall in a hurry?"

"If you want to see them jump off the wall, you have to see them jump. Besides, if you want them to show the bottom card in their hands, it's the fastest result. Only if you kill the people in their hands, they will feel the danger. Only in this way, they will take out the last bottom card in their hands. As soon as cloud makes them ready, I have a feeling, otherwise How long will it take us to get what we want. " Xiao Zi's mouth is slightly hooked, with a yearning expression on his face.