"No way." Yu Sheng refuses decisively. They are all from one country. He doesn't want to play by himself. They want to advance and retreat together. He doesn't want to do such immoral things.

Jomo Shang nodded contentedly: "well, go."

When he and Xiao Mu are the only ones left to send people out, Qiao moshang said: "for five days at most, the Xiao family will definitely start, be ready, and in the battlefield, we should pay more attention to everything carefully."

Although I know that Dad won't let them be bullied like this, Qiao moshang still doesn't want to let Qiao Tianchang help them with everything. If he can do something well by himself, he doesn't want to bother adults.

Like Qiao moshang, Xiao Mu also thinks that it's their own business. It's OK without adults' help.

"Don't worry, brother Shang. What do you say the father is doing now?" Xiao Mu suddenly asked.

He hasn't seen Xiao Qitian for a long time, and he doesn't know if his father thinks of him.

"If you think of him, write to him to let him know what you are going to do here. When you have finished your work, go back to see him. Isn't that ok?" Qiao moshang said casually.

Xiao Mu thought about it, then nodded and agreed: "brother Shang, you are right. I'm going to write to the father."


Qiao moshang looks at Xiao Mu's back. He feels very sorry for the child. But sometimes, many things can't be replaced by them. He can only support himself.

Xiao Mu wrote the letter and asked Qiao moshang to send the letter with the help of the eagle, which began to be arranged at ease.

In fact, after Xiao Mu came back, Qiao Tianchang told Xiao Qitian about everything he did here. If it wasn't for Xiao Qitian, he would have gone to the border city now.

In the Imperial City, Xiao Qitian stands at the window and looks at everything outside. His brow is tightly wrinkled. His son has been back for so many days. Why hasn't he written to him? Is it hard not to be busy even to write to him?

As soon as I think of this possibility, Xiao Qitian's heart is very sad. His son, how can he be so good and strong? It's OK that he doesn't do that.

Xiao Qifeng came in from the outside and saw Xiao Qitian standing at the window and didn't know what he was thinking. His brow was still tightly wrinkled, which seemed to worry about something.

"Worried about Xiaomu?"

"Well, he's been back so long, and he didn't know how to write to me. He's such an uneasy kid." Xiao Qitian frowned and said with great dissatisfaction.

Xiao Qifeng looks at Xiao Qitian funny. Is this guy here to show off?

"I don't have children. Don't show off to me here." Xiao Qifeng said angrily.

Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng contemptuously: "you have no children, but you have a wife. You can ask your sister-in-law to give me a nephew."

"Are you brave? You dare to say that to me. " He was just trying to comfort the boy, but now he has run him.

Xiao Qitian shows his hands: "what I said is the truth, and I'm not wrong. What are you so excited about, elder brother?"

“……” "Xiao Qi Feng white Xiao Qi Tian a look:" do you want to go to the border city

"There's something else I need to deal with here." Xiao Qitian is a little moved, just thinking of things here, and finally shook his head.

Bai xiaoqitian takes a look: "I can help you deal with these things in your way. Go to see mu'er. I haven't seen anyone for a long time."

"I haven't seen anyone for nearly two years." Xiao Qitian said with his lips tightly closed. Xiao Qifeng nodded, "yes, it's been two years. I don't know how much I miss you."

Xiao Qitian thought about it carefully. He thought it was ok, so he nodded and agreed: "brother Xiao will give it to you, and I will go."

"Come back, want to go also not so anxious, you don't tell me what clear ran, after you left, how do you let me get?"