Xiao Qitian was stunned and looked at Xiao Qifeng in embarrassment: "cough, I know, I'm not in a hurry."

He took a look at Xiao Qitian. He had been emperor for such a long time. He was still so impetuous. I don't know what he would do without Tianchang. He must have been killed by someone.

"What are you doing watching me like this? Don't I just want to see Muer? " Xiao Qitian wants to cry and looks at Xiao Qifeng without tears.

Xiao Qifeng sighed heavily and shook his head helplessly: "I shouldn't expect too much from you. You said that you have been emperor for so many years, how can you still look like Mao is impetuous?"

Xiao Qitian said casually, "I'm not like this in front of others. What about my sister-in-law? Why didn't she come today? "

"She's resting."

Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng strangely, and said subconsciously, "what did you do to your sister-in-law?"

“……” Xiao Qifeng's mouth twitches and looks at his brother. Can he not have this brother? It's really irritating. What does it mean that he did something about animals? This is a very serious thing, OK? It's a matter of animals here? What's the reason?

Xiao Qitian seems to realize that he said something wrong. He shrinks his neck and laughs: "I said something wrong, so don't be angry. If you are angry, it's not good."

“……” Xiao Qifeng's convulsion is not only at the corners of his mouth, but also at the corners of his eyes.

Why does he have such a second brother? Why is he so unlucky.

"Qi Tian, I really want to rebuild you."

Xiao Qitian laughs. It's not easy to see him like this.

"Elder brother, I'm going to deal with things first. I'll prepare something for mu'er by the way. I haven't given him his gift last year." Xiao Qitian said in a garrulous way.

Looking at Xiao Qitian's silly appearance, Xiao Qifeng doesn't know what to say. How could this person be so stupid? Is this really his brother?

Three days later, everything was ready. When Xiao Qitian was ready to leave, the letter Xiao Mu wrote to him had arrived. Seeing the letter, Xiao Qitian smiled contentedly. If he had left early, he would not have received his son's letter.

Xiao Mu and Qiao moshang are standing on the tower, looking at the people below, their eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"Brother Shang, these people don't look very easy to deal with." Said Xiao Mu, frowning.

Qiao moshang nodded: "I'm afraid it's the so-called shameless people of the Xiao family, but the breath on these people is really strange, as if they were dead."

Qiao Tianchang looked at his son and nodded approvingly. It seems that he has found the key point. It's not bad.

Yu Feng leaned on the side and looked at the children looking at the people below: "Tian Chang, are you sure we can't help?"

These faceless people made him feel more like a puppet who had handed over his hand.

It's just that the air of these puppets is much stronger. If these children do it, it may be very dangerous.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "this is their war. We just need to see that nothing happens to them. As for other things, I think they want to do it by themselves."

This is the last card of the Xiao family. There are a lot of these people, like 100000 people. It can be seen how far the Xiao family's peeping heart for their effect has reached.

These 100000 people can't be found out in a single day. What's more ironic to him is that these people are willing to become like this.

These people know that martial arts are good people at first sight. It's ridiculous for such people to make themselves look like people, ghosts and ghosts.

"Yufeng has flaws in its solid defense, even for the following people. I believe Shanger will do well and won't let us down." No matter what it is for, Shanger they will be very determined to win.