Yu Feng looks at Qiao Tianchang with a light smile on his face. After thinking about it carefully, he thinks Qiao Tianchang is very right.

"You're right. Maybe I don't trust them enough to have such an idea. But don't you really worry about Tianchang?" Yufeng doesn't believe that Qiao Tianchang really doesn't worry about these children at all.

In addition to Huangfu Qing and Zhao Mingyu, the biggest one is Qiao moshang, who is only ten years old. It seems that it's not good to put everything on them.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Yufeng and doesn't speak, but his eyes are always on the bottom.

Worried? Why not worry? It's just these children's choice. Should he tell them that it's too dangerous for them to do it and stay at home?

He believes that these things are not what these children want. If they really just want to stay at home, they will not ask for such things, and they will not ignore their hard work to do special training.

"I'm worried about resisting the wind, but I don't have to say it. If my worry blocks the children's growth, it's not what I want or what the children want." These children are precocious and have their own ideas. They make decisions after their own decisions. They can't interfere if they can. Sometimes, they can watch from the side, but more often, they need silent protection.

Then let them fly.

Yu Feng looks at Qiao Mo Shang and sees that his eyes are always under him, frowning tightly: "Tianchang suddenly seems to know more about the reason why these children like you."

Qiao Tianchang's lips slightly hook up. These children really like to play with him, and he also likes to be with them.

"Put your body down and you can do it."

Yu Feng was stunned for a while and couldn't help laughing: "maybe you're right. I really should put down my body.

Qiao Tianchang did not continue to open his mouth. His eyes were all below. After the bottom card of the Xiao family came out, the people there could not wait to start.

This time they sent 10000 people out directly, and Qiao moshang and Shi Song took the lead. But when they went out to fight, Qiao moshang didn't know what he said and wrote to him, so that Shi Song's face was a little ugly.

"Yufeng, what do you say they plan to do?" Joe Tianchang is very curious to look at the nearby Jomo war.

Yufeng shakes his head: "don't you know that boy? We really can't guess what he's going to do. "

However, soon they knew what was the reason. Shisong lost and returned to the city with people.

Yufeng's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. Although Shisong looked very embarrassed, he could see that Shisong didn't use all his strength at all. Not only he, but even the soldiers below didn't use half of their strength. How could he lose.

The line of sight put on Qiao Mo Shang's body, see his silent looking at Shi Song taking people back to the city, looking at the Xiao family in the distance who keep chasing.

After they reached a certain range, the stone thrower moved in an all-round way, so dense stones that the Xiao family could only stop.

The people of the Xiao family looked at the gate of the state of Xiao and then closed it. They couldn't help laughing: "Qiao Tianchang can't move? Let some children come to fight with us. Is he too confident or has he abandoned himself? "

"Yes, we have won one. We just need to keep winning." Said the people of the Xiao family excitedly.

Leaning on one side and looking at their Xiao Zitian, he couldn't help laughing. Could such a small victory make them so excited?

And didn't they see that they didn't do their best? Thinking of the scene of fighting with Shi Song two years ago, can't he even match up with him two years ago?

What's more, Qiao Tianchang's soldiers are trained. How could they be this kind of soft footed shrimp?

Reaching for his chin, Xiao Zi looked for the bottom of his eyes and thought. They really are. Aren't they afraid that he would expose their bottom? I even used such means regardless of it.