But Qiao moshang and them are also very interesting. It's just a matter of fact that people can't see any flaws when they let go. If he didn't know the strength of Shisong and had seen what kind of soldiers Qiao Tianchang practiced, he might have to believe that they were really defeated in the hands of the Xiao family.

"Oh, you don't want to be happy too early. Think about what kind of person Joe Tianchang is to be happy again." Xiao Zitian thought about it. In order not to let the Xiao family finish playing so fast, he had better remind him a little.

This is a reminder for him, but for the people of the Xiao family, it's not a reminder, it's a blow.

"What does Xiao Zi mean by looking for you?"

"Joe Tianchang has been in the barracks since he was young. It's nearly 20 years now. Do you think the soldiers he trained are so rubbish?" Xiao Zitian looked at them and asked lightly.

The people of the Xiao family snorted coldly and said scornfully, "how can Qiao Tianchang compare with our ancestors? How can anyone who stays behind surpass her?"

Xiao Zitian stared at these people's self-confidence. He twitched a little bit and was speechless. They understood that these people had no doubt about Shi Song's problems at all. It was not their ignorance, but their self-confidence in these people had reached the point of blindness.

Xiao Zitian picked up a strand of long hair and looked at the person opposite with a smile: "I have already told you what to remind. As for whether you believe or not, it has nothing to do with me. And you should not need my existence now?"

He wanted to have a good fight with Jomo Shangs, but now it seems that he has no chance.

Looking at the Xiao family as if they had won, Xiao Zitian shook his head helplessly. How could there be such a confident person? Don't they know that overconfidence is arrogance?

Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao are so powerful. He didn't see that they were so blind in their self-confidence. Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao are totally different in their self-confidence. Their self-confidence is because they control things in a terrible state, so they can be 10 points confident no matter what they do.

The people of the Xiao family looked at Xiao Zitian and narrowed their eyes slightly: "shut up."

Xiao Zitian's eyelids beat slightly. Is that the price of reminding them? It's really interesting.

Xiao Zixun, who was locked up, looked at everything outside, with obvious irony and ridicule in his eyes: "when do you say that they will want to deal with us?"

"Let's leave, young master." They lock up the young master at this time. Isn't that for the sake of the future?

Xiao Zitian took a deep breath. He was going to leave at the end of the day, but now it seems that he can't wait. They can't wait to fight him.

This is the first time to win, they can't wait to lock up people. If they really want to win again, can he still live? He's really curious.

"Wait a few days, how can we leave without them?" Xiao Zitian said mockingly.

"But young master, it will be very dangerous for you to stay here. You really want to..."

Xiao Zitian stood in the room and looked at Yun Yi: "naturally, I want to see when they can laugh."

"Young master..." Yun Yi disagrees with him very much. Xiao Zitian goes to risk, but he can't speak for a while when he sees his firm appearance.

Xiao Zitian patted Yunyi's shoulder and slightly hooked his mouth: "don't worry, it will be OK. We are ready for everything. Don't worry."

Seeing Xiao Zitian's insistence, cloud could only agree, but he still protected people well.

In the next few days, the Xiao family will win the battle every day. Although there are many dead people in the middle, the people of the Xiao family don't care about it very much. How can the war be without dead people?

Xiao Zitian sat on the bed with his knees crossed. Suddenly he heard a voice coming from outside. He opened his eyes and looked at yun-1. "Yun-1, we have guests coming."

Cloud a conscious block in front of Xiao Zi looking for body, vigilant looking at the door.