In a short time, there was a rustle outside and a sound of unlocking. Yunyi's eyes flickered slightly.

Xiao Ziyun came in from the outside with his stumps. He watched Xiao Ziyun sitting there with his knees crossed quietly. His eyes flashed over the obvious ruthlessness. This man was really annoying. He couldn't like it at all.

"You have today, Xiao Ziyun."

Xiao Ziyun looked up at the man in front of him, and his brow was frivolous: "what do you want?"

"Xiao Zitian, if you give your cloud hunting horse to me, I can spare you from dying." Xiao Ziyun said bitterly.

Xiao Zixun looked at Xiao Ziyun's broken arm with a smile: "if you want my cloud hunting horse, aren't you afraid that you will be swallowed by the cloud hunting horse at last?" This has broken one hand. If he is breaking one, he doesn't know whether he can continue to live?

In the place where the Xiao family doesn't raise any waste, he is really curious about what the people of the Xiao family did for Xiao Ziyun.

"Xiaozixun has reached this point, and you are still standing high here. Do you think you are still xiaozixun who everyone wants to make up for? The Xiao family doesn't need you any more, and your time for death has come. " Xiao Zitian began to laugh. To be honest, it was a little hard to hear.

Xiao Zitian frowned and looked at Xiao Ziyun. The expression on his face was not so beautiful.

"Ha ha, right? Then I'll wait for them to come and take my life, but I don't know who the two of us will die first? " Xiao Zitian looked at him with a smile, and his mouth was slightly hooked up.

Xiao Ziyun's face changed. Looking at the people beside him, he frowned slightly: "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I'm just curious. People like you who have broken one hand, why do they treat you so well? Have you not doubted? " Xiao Ziyun is very curious about this.

Xiao Ziyun looked at Xiao Zixun and said, "do you want to provoke the relationship between us? If so, I'll tell you, you don't have to work hard to talk. I won't tell you. "

Xiao Zitian sneered, "do you think I don't know if you don't tell me?"

"You..." Xiao Ziyun just wanted to ask, but it's wrong to think about it carefully. If he really knows it, he won't ask him here like he does now.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I won't elaborate on what you said. "

Looking at Xiao Ziyun, Xiao Zixun suddenly got off the bed and walked to him to look at him. Seeing Xiao Ziyun's subconscious step back, Xiao Ziyun frowned even more tightly: "if you have something, you can say it directly, you don't need to look at me like this."

Xiao Zitian couldn't help laughing: "you have agreed to their terms, haven't you? Or make your body have more things that should not be, do you think this kind of flattery is really worth it to you? "

Xiao Ziyun's eyes flashed obvious panic. Although she was very sure to keep her calm, Xiao Zixun noticed.

This shows that it's really the same as what he thinks. What kind of transaction does Xiao Ziyun have with the people of the Xiao family.

Xiao Zitian turned around Xiao Ziyun: "let me think about what they want you to do. They want you to get cloud hunting horse from my hands, right? After all, it's a time of war. With the help of cloud hunting cavalry, they can lighten some of their burdens. "

Xiao Ziyun looked up at Xiao Zixun and said, "cloud hunting is useless for you now, isn't it? "

Xiao Zixun looked at Xiao Ziyun with a smile:" who says it's useless to me? "

"What do you want?" Xiao Zi asked, looking for his subconscious voice.

Xiao Zitian thought about it carefully, and then said, "what am I going to do? Of course, do what I want to do, even if they want my life in the end. "