Xiao Zitian took a look at someone who was worried. He said angrily, "I think you can rest assured, because Qiao moshang may be very happy that we stayed."


"Because if we stay, someone will help him deal with things. Will he be unhappy? That's strange. " Xiao Zitian said angrily.

He didn't say that he was going to be a servant here. Besides, their own life is very good. What's the need to do this.

"We're going to make him a cow and a horse here? Why don't you go out and play? " Said the wind erosion discontentedly.

"Even if I want to go out and play, I will wait until the Xiao family's business is over. Now what I want to do is to completely solve the Xiao family's business. Only in this way can I completely rest assured where I want to go." Xiao Zi said in a cold voice.

The Xiao family can't get rid of it in a day. He can't feel at ease in a day. This feeling is not good at all. He doesn't like it very much.

"It seems that your opinion on the Xiao family has really reached the point where it can't fail."

"Oh, their kindness to me, I've always kept in mind. I'm not happy if I don't return them back." Xiao Zitian is not a good person, but he never wanted to let go of the Xiao family, whether before or now.

They talked for a long time in the room, and Xiao Zixun left. The next day when Qiao moshang and them went to watch the battle in the city tower, Xiao Zixun also went.

Looking at the following people, Xiao Zi's eyes are cold: "let Xiao Mu go down to kill the enemy, you really give up."

"This is what Xiao Mu needs." Xiao Zitian said coldly.

As for Xiao Mu's affairs, he has always supported him and never thought about what to do. This is his own war. He will only help out his ideas, but will not interfere with any decision of Xiao Mu.

The following people can be said to be all the people of the Xiao family. Looking at so many people, Xiao Zixun's eyes narrowed slightly: "basically, the people below are most of the people of the Xiao family. The rest of them are guarding the place of the Xiao family. If you want to go there, it's still early."

Jomo Shang nodded: "you can see. I'm not going to let them leave today."

These people can only come and go today. He has no intention of returning to the mountain.

Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang and frowned tightly. The expression on his face was weird: "I'm curious about Qiao moshang. How long is your head? It's clear that a small person is so smart and almost perfect to do anything."

"I can't help it. My parents have good genes. I've inherited them all. I can't envy them." Jomo Shang said casually while looking at the following things.

Xiao Zitian choked. This man is really enough. He is always showing off the fact that he has a pair of excellent mothers.

Sugar lying on the wall, eyes purr purr of turn, that look to know what must be a bad idea.

"Doudou, when do you think these people will fight?"

"I don't know. When do you want them to fight?" Doudou shook his head, but he didn't know when.

"I want to finish it quickly. I want to go home." She is very interested in their home. My parents have said that they can go home as long as the business here is over.

Doudou nodded. He also wanted to finish everything quickly. Then they went home. Although this place is not bad, he still likes to go to the house where he stayed for a few days,

that house is not as luxurious as the one from Xiaoyao villa, nor as luxurious as tongbaozhai, but he thought that place was the most comfortable place for him.

Listening to the voice of his younger brother and sister, Qiao Mo's brow was tightly wrinkled, and then stretched out. In fact, he also wanted to go back quickly, but he could only think about it. For the time being, he could not go back.