Xiao Zitian looked at the two little guys on the edge. Why are they not afraid at all?

Xiao Mu is below, wearing heavy armor, and his eyes are cold. Looking at the people in front of him is like looking at the dead. His eyes are really scary.

"Xiao Mu, be careful." Shisong rushes over from the edge and pours Xiao Mu down. Then a flying arrow flies towards them. It's really dangerous.

Xiao Mu with a cold face, suddenly had some smiles: "brother Shisong thank you, and you help me cover."


Then Xiao Mu took the bow and arrow on the horse's back and quickly drew the bow and arched.

In the camp of the Xiao family, the man who put the secret arrow to Xiao Mu was nailed to the ground.

Xiao's family widened their eyes. They wanted to kill Xiao Mu, or hurt him badly. At last, they had some benefits. But they didn't expect that they didn't get the benefits, but they also got a lot of trouble.

"Damn it, how could this happen? It was fine before, but now it's suddenly like this. " They won so easily before, but now they have become what they used to be, which he can't accept.

All of a sudden, the people of the Xiao family thought of what Xiao Zitian said on the first day of their victory. He told them that the state of Xiao might have hidden its strength, but they didn't listen to any of them. They thought that these people in their hands were invincible. Later, their victory every day made them more firm. In their hearts, their ancestors were gods, and they taught them How can the people who practice have problems? But now it seems that there are not only problems, but also very big problems.

They shouldn't believe Xiao Zixun's words. Now it's good. Things are like this. It's too late. It's too late.

"Where is Xiao Zitian? Let him come quickly. He may be the only one who can turn things around. "

Qiao moshang suddenly turned to look at Xiao Zixun: "do you know what the people of Xiao family are doing?"


"They went to you."

"Look for me?" Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang in amazement. What did those people look for him for?

Jomo Shang smiled and nodded: "you are right. They are looking for you. They are also waiting for you to lead them to win."

Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang silently: "are you kidding? They should know me by now... "

Looking down at Qiao moshang, Xiao Zitian's eyes widened: "they don't know that I have left yet?"

"It's very possible that they were busy discussing it last night. They didn't care about anything else." Jomo said with a smile.

It's like yesterday. They don't have time to find trouble, but they probably didn't expect that Xiao Zitian had already left.

Xiao Zitian stared at Qiao moshang and said, "against you, how many lives do they have?"

"I need only one life for them. I'm not interested in other young masters." Jomo Shang looked at the distance and said, "no, they already know about your absence."

Xiao Zitian subconsciously looked at the past, and saw the angry look of the Xiao family, which made Xiao Zitian feel very funny. Such a person really made him not know what to say.

"I don't know if I should admire your official ability or your ability."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"Is Xiao Zi gone? How could he not be here? What's going on? How do they all look at people? Why are people missing? " The people of the Xiao family couldn't believe that they were looking at the people who came to report with hope. But the next second they told them that all the hopes were gone. Isn't that a joke?

Some of the people on the side looked at the angry man in fear, and said timidly, "the house is burned, there is no corpse in it, and people are probably still alive."