So it becomes a contest of strength and a unilateral massacre. What's the matter? All the people in the Xiao family are completely stupid.

I was able to draw basically just now. Now, it has become a unilateral killing.

Xiao Mu looks at the people beside him: "Shisong here is for you. I'll take some people to catch those old things. Then it should be over."

In those days, he wanted to clean up those old men. Did he really think who he was?

Shisong looks at Xiaomu and worries: "are you sure?"

"Don't worry, it's going to be OK. We'd better go back soon. I'm tired of pestering these people." Xiao Mu said impatiently.

Shisong choked for a while because of his appearance. He gave Xiaomu a silent look. "How long have you been impatient?"

Xiao Mu nodded: "well, I was going to continue playing with them, but even though my father is here? I haven't seen my father for two years, so I look at them badly. " "You want to give people away just because they disturb you to be reunited with your father?" Stone pine didn't good gas said.

"I didn't say, did I?" Xiao Mu said casually.

Shisong is speechless. What's the matter with this man? Can't you get up when a father comes?

Xiaomu disappears in front of Shisong in an instant. Looking at the back of Xiaomu's departure, Shisong suddenly feels that his heart is blocked. How can these one by one make people not worry?

"When you deal with the affairs here, I'll go to see this guy. One by one, it can't make people worry a little. It's all willful." Stone pine said in a hurry.

Seeing Shisong leave, the people beside him couldn't help laughing. Their general would look like this every time he met the prince. He was angry that there was no way.

Xiao Mu takes people to the rear of Xiao's house. When he sees that Xiao Mu has come to their rear, all the people of Xiao's house think that this man is stupid. They even come to them to fight. It's really brave.

Xiao Mu smiled strangely: "I fainted and took it back."

Xiao Mu's man almost fell to the ground. Is it really good for him to do this?

"Is it really good for you to say such things in front of them so blatantly?" The person on the side said helplessly, at least to give others some face.

Anyway, it's all the elders of the Xiao family. There are so many consanguineous relationships with him. How about killing people directly?

Xiao Mu glanced at them and said, "I think they like this kind of action very much. If you can do it directly, don't continue chatting."

“……” They are not gossiping. They are very serious. What kind of gossiping can they talk?

Xiao Mu looked at them and said, "you don't want me to help you?"

"No need, we won't bother the master."

Hearing Xiaomu's words like this, everyone in Xiaomu's family felt that they had been humiliated and looked at Xiaomu with indignation.

"Xiao Mu, you want to die."

Before they started, the people on the side were standing in front of Xiao Mu, and the people who were going to kill Xiao Mu were kicked out directly.

"If you want to attack me, old man, how many skills do you think you have to deal with the people around me? I want to kill you. " Then the dagger in Xiao Mu's hand was thrown out, and the man who was going to do it to Xiao Mu opened his eyes like this Dead.