They didn't expect that a child could make such a decision on the sofa. The old man's eyes were wide open when he died. It seemed that Xiao Mu would suddenly do such a thing.

Shisong looks at Xiaomu speechless. He really says that he can do it directly.

"Xiao Mu, what are you doing? It's a direct move? "

"Don't you see that? It's called killing the chickens to make an example of the monkey. Can't you just follow me? If you want to find something for me instead of trouble for them, whose trouble should I find? " Xiao Mu said impatiently.

Shisong's mouth slightly twitches. Before, he didn't think Xiaomu was impatient. How can he look now? He really has no patience at all?

"I don't think you have patience to do anything when the emperor comes." Stone pine didn't good gas said.

Xiaomu glanced at Shisong and said casually, "this must be natural. I just want to find my father now. Where can I have so much time to talk with them here? It's the time to find trouble for me. Isn't it my own fight?"

Shisong turns his head silently. This man is so powerful that he is speechless.

The people on the edge have been arrested when they don't respond, and there is only one idea in their mind at this time, that is, the whole thing is over.

They are very regretful now. Why should they help the Xiao family to deal with Xiao country together? They just think of the benefits after success, but no one has ever thought about what they can do if the Xiao family loses?

"Don't let us leave here. It's done by the Xiao family. It has nothing to do with us. If you want to catch the Xiao family, we are not the Xiao family." Some people said in a hurry.

"Yes, it has nothing to do with us. We're not subtotal people. You can't do this to us."

Xiao Mu looked at these people who kept shouting in front of her and smiled sarcastically: "do you know that you are in a hurry now? What did you do? Why don't you think of today when you follow the Xiao family to deal with us? Do you know what it's called? Who is to blame? "

Shisong looks at Xiaomu's eyes and turns cold: "you have a mind with the Xiao family that you shouldn't have. You should know that there will be this day. Since you already know that, what are you talking about here?"

"Come out and hang out, always pay it back, take it away." Xiao Mu said directly.


After everything was arranged, Xiao Mu couldn't stay. She rode away.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Mu's roar, but shakes his head and laughs. This is a child.

"Come on, don't look at it here. Go down and pick up someone." See Xiao Qitian is still watching, Qiao Tianchang said.

Xiao Qitian laughs: "I know, I'll go first." Xiao Qitian hurriedly went down from the tower, his eyes were excited.

He saw it on the city tower. His life is different now. He is very outstanding now, which makes him proud to be a father.

In the past two years, someone always said in his ear that Tianchang didn't know what he was going to teach his son, and he couldn't point out how. Could he still not know the thoughts of those people?

However, seeing that mu'er hasn't been back for two years, he began to have bad thoughts.

Xiao Qitian didn't have a long time to wait at the gate of the city, so Xiao Mu came back on horseback.

When he saw the man standing at the gate of the city, Xiao Mu stepped on the stirrup and jumped into Xiao Qitian's arms: "father, why are you here?"

"I come to see if my mu'er is enjoying himself here. He doesn't want to go back to see his father." Xiao Qitian reaches out to hold his son. He feels that his son is much taller and heavier than he was two years ago, but he is still like that.