Yu Feng frowned tightly and looked at Ning Mengyao. "Xiaoyao, do you know anything?"

"In fact, it's not what I know. It's what Xiao San told me. Although Wenjia's family has moved here, there are still shops there. It's said that someone has been fighting against Xiao's family since a few days ago. Some of their families have died in Xiao's hands, or they were forced to become poisonous people or puppets by Xiao's family." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "Yao Yao, do you mean you want to go?"

"Well, there must be something wrong with the Xiao family this time. I still have doubts. I must go to have a look. So I decided to go tomorrow. You Who is going? "

"Of course, they all have to go." Said the wind.

Feng Xiao also nods when he comes back, so how can fun things not take him?

As a result, many people went, even the lightning came to join the party.

Reaching out and pinching lightning's ear, Ning Mengyao said jokingly, "lightning knows that we are going to its enemy's house, so do you want to revenge?"

"Lightning has enemies with the Xiao family?" Feng Xiao says unexpectedly, he is more outside now, haven't really heard about it.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "Snow Wolf's fur is the best. There are less than 30 people in the Xiao family who killed the lightning people for these things, and his partner and children also died in the hands of the Xiao family. Do you think it can not revenge?"

Feng Xiao couldn't help but sigh: "the Xiao family is not without good things, how can they provoke snow wolf? Snow wolves are not easy to provoke. Once provoked, they will not die, unless you kill them all, and the Xiao family obviously left a living mouth, not only the living mouth is a wolf king. "

Ning Mengyao nodded with approval. Ordinary wolves are vengeful, let alone snow wolves.

"Well, don't worry. We'll take you with us when we go." Ning Mengyao reached out and rubbed the big head of the lightning, said funnily.

Lightning shook his head and looked at Ning Mengyao discontentedly, but it didn't really matter.

"Are you still angry? I'll give you food and shelter. I'm your food and clothing parent. Do you know? " Ning Mengyao was angry at lightning, and muttered with dissatisfaction when he scratched his chin.

Yufeng looks at ningmengyao like this, and can't help but feel helpless: "Tianchang, do you think Xiaoyao is more and more like a child?"

How old are you? He is so childish. He doesn't know how to say ningmengyao. It's not true that ningmengyao is getting younger and younger now.

If not, who would know that she has a teenager?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao for a long time and then said seriously, "I think Yao Yao Yao is very good. It's OK."

Feng Xiao looked at Yu Feng Yi in tears and laughs, and said in silence, "I know what Shanger said."


"Shanger said that my mother is getting younger and younger. She is all spoiled by my father." Feng Xiao said in the tone of Qiao Mo Shang.

People on the edge couldn't help laughing. Of course, Ning Mengyao turned his white eyes. What's all this? But think carefully as if it is the same thing, isn't she spoiled by Tianchang?

"Xiaoyao must be not convinced." Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and knows what she is thinking.

"Why can't I be convinced? This is a fact. Do you have any opinion on Tianchang's favor? "