Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao with a funny look, and couldn't help shaking his head: "they are jealous, don't care about them."

Ning Mengyao nodded very seriously: "well, I know, because no one dotes on them, they can only grow older and older, so they envy me."

Yu Feng and Feng Xiao, who were shot at the edge, kept twitching at the corners of their mouths and looked at Ning Mengyao strangely: "Xiaoyao, do you think it's appropriate for you to say such a thing?"

"What's wrong? I'm telling the truth, the truth. "

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao's tender face as if he can squeeze water out of the water, and silently stops talking. She's right. He has nothing to say.

But it's really hard to see Qiao Tianchang. Why does Xiaoyao look so young? Even Qiao Tianchang is so young. It's hard for people to live a good life.

Feng Xiao couldn't help laughing: "Mengyao, you two are really younger and younger."

"We allow you to envy." Ning Mengyao laughs, which is very cute.

Yu Feng shakes his head helplessly. It's all childish.

The next morning, Ning Mengyao and them were ready to leave. Xiao Qitian and his son did not plan to go with them because they had not seen each other for a long time. Besides, there are many things to deal with here. They have to stay to do things.

They were accompanied by Huang Fu Qing, Zhao Mingyu, brother and sister Qiao moshang, tea and tea, and the couple of Muchen, 20 people in total.

"Can mother lightning know where we are going?" Qiao moshang rides on the side of the horse to ask Ning Mengyao.

When they came out, lightning was gone. Could it really find them?

Ning Mengyao looked at her son: "little monkey, lightning is not a common wolf. Its tracking ability is very strong. You can rest assured that when we arrive, it may arrive in a day."

"Then I'll rest assured."

Xiao Zitian listened to them and frowned slightly: "you really don't need to be careful?"

"My parents are very powerful. We are not afraid of grace." Sugar said proudly.

They have the ability to protect themselves. Their parents are so powerful. They are not afraid.

Qiao Mo Shang looks for Xiao Zi and says, "Why are you so afraid of Xiao's family?"

"I'm not afraid of the Xiao family, but I'm afraid of the things I saw before." He killed a lot of people, not because of these things on how, but at that time saw the picture has always been in my mind, no matter how also can not leave, let him very painful, he has been suffering.

Ning Mengyao looks for Xiao Zi and says, "this is probably your mind devil. You are so persistent to the Xiao family. In fact, it's also because of the things behind the Xiao family, right?"

Jomo Shang measured it silently, then nodded: "what you said didn't come out, it's because those things are like magic spells, which I can't break, and can't let go. I've been waiting for the time when I'm going to get rid of this mind demon."

He thought he would get rid of this mind demon, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"That's good, or your martial arts will be hard to improve again." Said Ning Mengyao.

Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao with a wry smile: "in fact, my martial arts have stagnated for a long time."

Ning Mengyao had some accidents: "do you know?"

"I naturally know that I dare not practice martial arts. As soon as I practice martial arts, I will think of things at that time. It's easy to make mistakes. I haven't practiced martial arts well for nearly three years, so I can only practice moves constantly." Xiao Zitian said with a wry smile.

The people on the side looked at Xiao Zitian like that, and frowned slightly: "relax, it will be solved soon. Your own mind needs you to defeat. We can do little."

Xiao Zitian smiled and nodded: "of course, I only want to get rid of the demons."