Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zixun: "if you can't get rid of such things as heart demon, I will look down on you very much."

“……” Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao, and he comforted people. Don't you need to take personal attack like this?

Qiao moshang agrees with his mother's words very much and nods constantly on the edge: "my mother is right. If you can't even do this thing well, we will hate you very much."

Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao Mo Shang and said, "you don't need to talk to your mother, do you?"

"I'm my mother's son. Do you have a problem?"

"If your mind devil can't defeat us, we can't help you. It's your own business. You know what kind of result will be if the martial arts practitioners have mind devil, don't you?" Doudou said, riding on his horse.

If a martial arts practitioner is possessed by a devil, he will easily become possessed by the devil. Then what will become? No one knows what will happen. Maybe he will die or go mad directly.

"The more fear you have, the more effort you have to make to defeat the mind demon. Only in this way can you go further and further in your future martial arts." Feng Xiao looks for Xiao Zi and says lightly.

Xiao Zixun's face changed. Of course, he understood what they said. But sometimes he wanted to know these things uncontrollably. The more he didn't want to take this matter to heart, the more it would be like a hammer.

"This is your chance, just to get rid of your demons."

Xiao Zi nods. He is warm in his heart. Maybe they are the only ones who really care about him?

"What are you doing watching us like this?" Qiao moshang looks at Xiao Zitian and looks at them with very strange eyes. He is dissatisfied immediately. How can this person look at them so strangely?

"You don't know, I was thrown out when I was young. Except for cloud hunting and wind erosion, no one cares about my life or death. Some people even hate to kill me. Only your elders will care about me without any impurities." Sometimes their words are ugly, but they are all for his good. How can he not know?

Ning Mengyao glanced at Xiao Zitian and said, "since you are good friends with the little monkey, that is our younger generation, our family. Of course, we will be better when we treat our family."

Family? Looking at Ning Mengyao in front of him, Xiao Zitian suddenly felt that his decisions were all right.

"You can follow me in the future. I'm sure you can't miss mine." Jomo Shang waved, very straightforward said.

"Is this really right for you, a ten-year-old, to tell me?"

Jomo Shang looked at the man on the edge, picked up his eyebrow and said: "how can this be inappropriate? Is there any problem? "

Xiao Zi looked at the man beside him with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. "It's hard to have a son like you, uncle and aunt."

Qiao Mo Shang looked at Xiao Zi and said calmly, "I'm not going to do this to my parents, I'm only going to do this to outsiders."

“……” So is he an outsider? What about the family?

Despised looked at Xiao Zitian: "look at you like that, don't even say you know me when you go out, how can it be so white?"

"Little monkey, are you here to talk, or are you on your way? If you have to wait for the place to speak, you can say whatever you want. I'm so glad to roar at you. " Ningmengyao didn't take a look at her son. She didn't see when it was. She was still making noise here.

Jomo shanghaha laughed, and then made a gesture of sealing, saying that he didn't say it again and again, so he began to concentrate on horseback riding.

In seven days, all the talents came to the place, but this time they came here to catch up with each other. This time, there was no one in the city, and the shops nearby were closed.

The street, which used to be very busy, is now very cold, as if it has become an empty city.