"Be careful."

"Niang, what a bloody smell. It came from that place." Since entering the city, Qiao Tianchang pointed to a place with sugar in his arms.

Ningmengyao looked at the place where Tangtang pointed and frowned slightly: "Tangtang are you sure it's in that place?"

"Mom, I'm sure. It's from that place. Many people died in this city. If we don't deal with it properly, there will be plague." Sugar looked around and said to her fingers.

She had a sense that the dead were there, and some of them must have rotted.

Ningmengyao's expression was a little dignified, and her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled: "it's probably the people of the Xiao family who made it. It's just that they made such a thing, and it's them who may die at last. What's the purpose of their doing this?"

Sugar struggled to come down from Joe Tianchang's arms and took out a medicine bottle from his small satchel: "Mom, I'll give it to you one by one."

"Madam, it's detoxified. There are dead bodies in this place. We don't know how long we will stay here." Said Qingshuang, frowning.

Nanyu looked around, then felt his wrist and said, "there are things that excite the king of Gu in this place. It's obviously the best. Be careful. There may be insects in this place."

Xiao Zitian took the medicine handed over by sugar and asked curiously, "Gu Chong? Will it be what I saw before? "

"It's not clear yet, but I know that it's not too far away from here, and it's just where sugar says it." Nanyu said very seriously.

People looked at each other, some disbelieving at the person in front of them: "this is a coincidence, or what?"

Hard to shake his head: "I don't know what it is, I just know that we should leave this place as soon as possible, or something will happen, just like sugar said."

"Let's go. When we find what we want to press, we'll leave right away." Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.


The more you go, the quieter it is. Ning Mengyao looks at this direction and frowns slightly: "the place of little three..."

"Well, it's the way to my house."

People followed the sugar road to the place soon, but it was really Wenjia's house.

Wen Yujing looked at the closed door: "what are they doing to put these bodies in my house? What is their purpose. "

"Let's go and have a look."

"Well, let's go and have a look."

All of them went in together. The last place they came to was the yard of Yujing. When they saw the corpse in the yard, they were disgusted in Yujing's eyes.

But from the surface of these corpses, they should all die in great pain. There is a big hole in their chest, as if they were caught by something.

"Niang, these people must have been dead for a long time, but why do they do this? What's good about this place? " Jomo Shang looked around, reached for his hands and said.

Ning Mengyao shook her head. "I don't know. Let's go."

It seems that we can't find any clues in this place for the time being. It's useless to stay here. It's better to leave and do other things. It's also useful for them.

"Here comes someone. Let's go." Said Jo Tianchang suddenly.

A group of people hurriedly left, hiding in the dark, looking at this place.

Soon an old man came in from the outside. He was wrapped in a black suit. Even his face was covered with a face scarf as if he was afraid of this place.

"Ha ha, soon, soon, but why are they so useless? So many people have given it to them, but it's useless at all. With these entities, I can finally make what I want. What is Xiao then?" The old man looked at the rotting bodies and said crazily.