Qingshuang could not help frowning.

"Madame can't let this man go on." She saw what the man took out of his hand. He wanted to use the dead Qi and the dead Qi to make medicine.

She remembered that she had seen it in the master's poison manual. If such poison is refined, it may cause countless deaths and injuries. Moreover, there is no blood in the blood.

Qiao Tianchang put sugar in Ning Mengyao's arms, and then walked out. The old man was very focused on looking at the things in front of him, and didn't feel anyone behind him.

When he was about to be ecstatic, Joe Tianchang suddenly kicked out the contents of the jar and poured them on the corpse there.

After getting the potion again, the bodies began to melt gradually, which was much easier to use than the body water of Jomo Feng.

"Who are you? How could it be here? Give me my things back. " The old man wanted to rob, but Joe Tianchang hid.

"People of the Xiao family are not afraid of reincarnation when they die when they do so many things that hurt the nature and cause evil." Joe asked coldly.

Although this place is no longer Xiao's territory, Qiao Tianchang is still very angry. It's disgusting to die in the hands of these people.

Ningmengyao came out with the others: "Maple is on fire."


"Doudou, give your piano to my mother." Ning Mengyao looks at the Doudou beside him. He is carrying a piano that is almost as tall as him.

Doudou gives the Qin to ningmengyao. Ningmengyao sits down directly, regardless of whether the ground is dirty or not, and plays the great compassion mantra and the past life mantra with the Qin. He doesn't stop until all the bodies are burned.

Put the Qin aside, and Ning Mengyao bowed. When Feng Xiao saw Ning Mengyao's action, they did the same. It made people on the side feel strange, but not so annoying.

When the old man saw that the place where he had managed to make medicine was so destroyed, he was furious: "ah, you want to die."

They rely on this to turn over the dish, and now they are directly destroyed by people. How can he be reconciled?

Qiao Tianchang dodges the attack of the other party, looks at the way he makes people who are not ghosts, frowns tight, is there another one of these Xiao family people who is more right?

"None of the Xiao family is normal." Xiao Zitian said.

He thought that Xiao Zitian would only treat his enemies like this, at least not so cruel to himself, but now it seems that they are not only cruel to others, but also to themselves.

Ningmengyao looked at these people, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "people want to live forever, how can they let themselves die like this?"

She remembered that some people had said that the people of the Xiao family lived a long life, some even lived to be one hundred and forty-five years old, which was very difficult for the ancient people.

But some people still feel unsatisfied. With a life span of more than 100 years, they want to live longer and longer.

People's hearts are so greedy. They want to get when they don't get it, and want more when they get it. It's because they are not satisfied that such things happen.

"What are you thinking, Xiaoyao?" Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao's silent appearance and asks in some doubts.

Ning Mengyao smiled and shook his head: "I just think that they have got a lot, why not be satisfied? All their things are much better than many people. Why are they still dissatisfied? "

In fact, she really can't understand what these people think. It's a very simple thing. Why did it become like this? Is the right position really so yearning, crazy?

"It's because the people of the Xiao family think that they are the descendants of one of the princesses of the Xiao kingdom. Why can the royal family of the Xiao Kingdom get so many, but they can't get anything? As long as they have this kind of unwilling idea at the beginning, it's easy to change, isn't it?"