Xiao Zitian murmured that he was impatient, but he didn't continue to play. Instead, he killed the woman directly. In the end, the woman couldn't believe that her son even killed her.

At the time of death, women's eyes were wide open, and they couldn't believe it. How could her son treat her like this? It's not true. It's all fake. It's impossible.

No matter what a woman's heart thinks, it's useless now, because her life has come to an end.

The family of Xiao looked at Xiao Zixun in silence. Before, they hoped that Xiao Zixun would not recognize his six relatives, but now they regretted it. They were the most wrong to do such a thing. If they had let Xiao Zixun have some feelings for this woman at the beginning, now they can make use of one or two. Now, it's just a joke.

"Xiao Zitian, you have become what you are now. We are very disappointed. Since your heart is no longer in Xiao's house, you will die." The voice of the ancestors of the Xiao family was very bland, as if they were saying that the weather was very good today. In this way, Xiao Zitian laughed directly.

"Let me die? Then you will try to kill me. "

Is there anything else he can't care about at this time? No, he has done nothing.

Ningmengyao yawned leisurely and said casually, "how can they say so much? Just kill us and find a place?"

After that, Ning Mengyao began to seriously reflect on whether she killed some of them recently, which seems not very good.

"Do it." Xiao Zi asked coldly.

People on the edge heard Xiao Zixun's words and looked at him doubtfully. At the beginning of his voice, a group of people suddenly appeared at Xiao's house.

That's the cloud hunting horse of Xiao Zi. The people of the Xiao family have always wanted to find the cloud hunting horse, but they have never had a chance. Now when the cloud hunting horse appears in front of them, they seem to have nothing but anger and anger.

"Xiao Zi didn't expect that you should hide these people so tightly that we didn't find anyone." The ancestor of the Xiao family said coldly.

"Don't talk less nonsense, don't you want to start? Do it now. " Xiao Zi said in a cold voice.

The faces of the ancestors of the Xiao family have changed. When the cloud hunting cavalry started, they also started. But at the same time, the wolves that watched them covetously started to move.

The people of the Xiao family now know what it means to be attacked from the inside, and they are still very serious.

Yo, after the wolves joined in, what xiaozitian wanted to do seemed to be simpler. He went directly to the ancestor of Xiao's family: "did you do it to dad at the beginning?"

His father's martial arts are rare in the Xiao family. How can ordinary people move his father? Only this old man can do such a thing, even though he does not want to admit it, but it is so.

The ancestors of the Xiao family laughed, and the laughter was crazy: "you will soon see your father, and they will soon release people."

Xiao Zitian's face changed, thinking of the scene he had seen before.

Ning Mengyao saw Xiao Zitian's face suddenly changed and said calmly, "what are you worried about? Isn't there still us? You have found the so-called forbidden area. Do you want to exchange feelings with them here or go to see the so-called forbidden area with us? "

"I'll go with you." Xiao Zi said without thinking.

He thought they didn't know anything, but he didn't expect that they had already seen things.

Ning Mengyao nodded and looked at Xiao Zitian and said: "since you want to leave, what are you waiting for? Let's go. It's up to your cloud hunter and lightning man. "

Looking at the wolves, Xiao Zitian nodded decisively. So many wolves are enough for Xiao's family to eat a pot. He really doesn't worry about it at all.