Ning Mengyao and his followers led them to change to the forbidden area. When they saw the gate, everything in their memory appeared in Xiao Zixun's mind: "yes, this is the place."

As soon as Xiao Zitian wanted to go, he was grabbed by Ning Mengyao: "so what are you worried about? Do you want to be a wasp's nest? "

Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao. He didn't know what she meant. What did he want to be a hornet's nest? Is it clear that there is nothing wrong with it?

Qiao mofeng walked by at ningmengyao's beckon, pounded drums on the side for a long time, then looked at them: "Niang, you are careful."

As soon as the voice fell, the arrow with the faint green light flew towards them, and the green tip of the arrow had told everyone that there was a strong poison on it.

Looking at the arrow on the ground, Xiao Zitian was speechless: "how do you know?"

"It's only a stupid person like you who can do this kind of straight ahead thing." Shouldn't such a place have many organs? This person unexpectedly does not want to run to the front, this is to dislike oneself to live too long, so want to die?

Xiao Zitian reached out and touched his nose. His eyes were all embarrassed: "I didn't have these things before." Xiao Zitian whispered.

Joe moshang doesn't want to talk to this second cargo any more. How long ago was that? Even now, I don't feel ashamed.

Xiao Zitian was embarrassed. He seemed to say something wrong, but it didn't have much to do with him, did it?

"Let's go." Ningmengyao went in step by step. When she got to this place, she always felt that there was something in it that attracted her. Maybe her doubts could be solved completely today.

Qiao Mo Shang also can't care to argue with Xiao Zitian. He quickly follows up, frowning tightly: "Mom, be careful."

As soon as he entered the door, Jomo Shang felt a very depressed atmosphere.

"My sister-in-law seems to have something in it. Be careful." Nanyu said, frowning over her wrist.

After coming in, the king Gu in his body is more active. There must be something exciting in it.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded: "I know, I will be careful. You should be careful yourself."

"Ah..." The more they went inside, before they saw anything, they heard the obvious scream, which made Ning Mengyao's eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"The voice..."

"This man should be dead." Listen, said Qingshuang.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qingshuang in amazement, with a surprised expression in her eyes: "dead? How could this be? "

Qingshuang nodded: "even if you haven't stopped breathing, it's almost the same."


Another voice sounded, like the voice of the beast, like the voice of the man.

"That's the voice. That's what I heard." Xiao Zitian on the edge said suddenly, his eyes were worried.

Looking at Xiao Zitian who wanted to run forward, Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and grabbed the man: "the man has arrived at this place, what are you worried about?"


"Xiao Zi looked for me to see that your brain is really funny. It was the scream of people just now. Now it's the scream. It can prove that there must be some people in the Xiao family. Moreover, the people in the Xiao family may have annoyed the people you have seen. Do you want to be a target now?" Qiao moshang was very dissatisfied and looked at Xiao Zitian and said angrily.

Does this man have a brain? How stupid is it that such a thing can be done?

Xiao Zitian took a deep breath and put down his worry and worry: "I know it's my worry, and I don't know why."

White Xiao Zi look for a look, Qiao moshang despised look at him, looking at ningmengyao: "Niang we past?"

"Nature wants to pass, why not?"


When they arrived at the place, Xiao Zitian's eyes were wide open, and he looked at the scene with death. His body was slightly shaking. How could this happen.