"Brother in law, do you have the same tendency of being abused as Feng Xiao said?" Otherwise, how can I always look for abuse?

Yu Feng takes a look at Ning Mengyao and says, "little Yao, you're thinking of getting into trouble with me today, aren't you?"

Ning Mengyao shook her head decisively: "I didn't say that."

Talk about the noisy, several people have arrived where they want to go, there is a big attic, or several floors.

Looking at the attic, Ning Mengyao reached out and rubbed her chin, smiled and said: "there seems to be a lot of things in it, otherwise it will not be like this, en, interesting."

"Xiaoyao, do you want to rob?"

"I can't see the money. The Xiao family doesn't have as much money as I do. I'm rare." Ning Mengyao said very much.

Yufeng couldn't help laughing. Yes, they didn't really like the gold and silver jewelry in it.

"Let's go in and have a look."

When they were going to go in, a very dignified voice came out: "who is it? Why do you break into the forbidden area of Xiao's family and leave quickly, or you will die. "

The powerful majesty rushed towards them in an instant, but it made Ning Mengyao very dissatisfied. She was dissatisfied, and naturally would not make others satisfied.

With a cold snort, his momentum burst out in a flash, and at the same time he pounced on the other side. It seemed that he could not bear the strong pressure, and he retreated like the tide towards the pressure.

"Who are you?" An old man came out and looked at them seriously.

He can't see through these people. Who are they? What's the purpose of coming here.

"You are not entitled to know who we are." Ning Mengyao humed a smile and said mockingly.

"Don't be arrogant."

Ningmengyao shrugged and said casually: "how can I be arrogant? Didn't you do it to us first? "

"You are not the Xiao family. What are you doing here? Get out of here. "

Ning Mengyao looks at each other askew and asks them to leave like this? Who does the man think he is? Is it easy to bully them?

"If you let us go, we will leave. Aren't we very shameless? Besides, we are here to make trouble, not to play with you. " Ning Mengyao said with a sneer.

As soon as the old man heard that ningmengyao had come to make trouble, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were sharp.

"Don't look at me like this, old man. I can't help digging your eyes." Who do you want to frighten with such eyes? When he's scared?

"You Why are you targeting the Xiao family? " The old man saw that he was no match for the four of them.

"Why? Of course, it's because the Xiao family first targeted us. Otherwise, what should we do for the Xiao family? " Ningmengyao said impatiently, "fengxiao will give it to you."

Feng Xiao nodded, "OK."

"What about me?" Yufeng is not satisfied. How can I give it to fengxiao? When he's a decoration?

Ning Mengyao smiled: "you can discuss with fengxiao."

"It's not negotiable. This man is mine." Feng Xiao said directly, he wanted to do it for a long time, but he didn't find a chance. Now it's almost there. Will he give it to others? How could it be.

Yufeng looks at fengxiao gloomily, then turns to look at ningmengyao: "Xiaoyao, look at you."

"Brother in law, isn't that someone coming? You're worried that no one is going to practice with you. " Ning Mengyao said casually.