Yufeng sees ningmengyao in this way, but nods: "I'm going to find someone to play with. You can do it by yourself."

Ningmengyao saw that both of them had started, and led Qiao Tianchang into the attic.

Qiao Tianchang lets Ning Mengyao pull himself to go inside. After they push the door, Ning Mengyao is very surprised: "there is nothing on this floor?" Ning Mengyao looked around.

Is it really good that there is nothing in such a big place?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao funny: "what do you think that is?"

Ningmengyao followed Qiao Tianchang's point to see the past. After seeing the things there, the whole person was dumbfounded. Is there so many things here?

"Tut tut this is really good, Tianchang. Do you think there are many things here?"

"Well, let's go and see. It seems that there are some books here, but it's certainly not a common book to let Xiao family put these books here." Joe thought about it and said.

Ningmengyao is actually the same idea, so they went over, and when they saw something, their eyes flickered slightly: "there are so many things here, and they are all isolated. Well, Tianchang I think we can take things away."

"Well, you just like it. It's also good to take these books back to Shanger." Joe Tianchang looked over and thought that the things here were really suitable for his son, whether it was someone else's house or not, he said directly and naturally.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang obviously have the same idea: "I see it's mine. I'm not going to keep it for the Xiao family."

She doesn't have such a big measurement. She is not a fool who is willing to keep so many treasures for people she doesn't like.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and asked jokingly, "how are you going to take it back?"

"Of course, it was shipped back." Ning Mengyao said naturally.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed an obvious smile. This girl is really interesting.

"Well, let's go on and see if there's anything you want." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

Ningmengyao's expression also slightly changed. After a moment's silence, she nodded and agreed: "OK, let's go up and see if there is anything here that can answer my doubts."

She has been thinking about why this branch of the Xiao family has come to this point, whether it is because of the skills of the Xiao family, or because of something else, how can they become so insane.

In the eyes of Ning Mengyao, the people of the Xiao family are just angxinailing. They can do anything. What the Xiao family does makes Ning Mengyao very angry.

Especially the ancestor of Xiao family is her hometown.

Qiao Tianchang put his hand around Ning Mengyao and patted her shoulder gently: "well, don't think so much, you will find the answer."

Ning Mengyao smiled: "I know I will find the answer, but if this place can't be found again, I don't think I should be so persistent."

Because her persistent Qiao Tianchang suffered a lot of tiredness, and she didn't love you to go on like this. Suddenly she felt very uninteresting.

Qiao Tianchang bowed his head and kissed Ning Mengyao on the face. Then he said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Yaoyao, you can do what you want to do. I'll do the rest."