Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang for a long time, then nodded: "OK, I believe Tianchang."

They went from the first floor to the second floor. On the first floor, they put books. On the second floor, they put jewels. There are many jewels. They are so shiny that they almost blind their eyes.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and couldn't help being helpless: "Yaoyao, I know you're upset, but it has nothing to do with you. No matter what the final result is, it's all those people's problems. You have no fault, do you know?"

Ningmengyao smiled bitterly and shook her head: "whether it's my problem or not, I still have some guilt in my heart, which I don't like at all."

"I know what you think. I think they are from the same place as you. Why do they make a good family like this? Do they have any relationship with each other? But Yaoyao, it has been so long, and people have already died, hasn't it?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at his wife with some helplessness. She looks like this, which is really worrying.

When he reached into his arms, Qiao Tianchang was helpless: "even if you feel guilty, it has nothing to do with you. You don't have to carry the burden that shouldn't belong to you."

Ning Mengyao was silent for a long time. When Qiao Tianchang was very worried, Ning Mengyao smiled: "Tianchang maybe you are right. It has nothing to do with me. Why should I carry these things? It's not really my fault. "

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded: "yes, you are right, it has nothing to do with you, so don't think so much, just let it go, understand."

"OK, I know."

Seeing that Ning Mengyao seems to have really figured it out, Qiao Tianchang finally put down his mind and sighed heavily: "let's go on."

There are four floors in this loft. Each floor has many different things, and the last floor is the same.

In fact, there is nothing on the last floor, but there is a relatively good-looking box. That box is a little big and also a little good-looking, which makes ningmengyao feel that there is something she wants in this box.

Trembling, he went over, reached for the box, took a deep breath, and opened it.

Looking at the things inside, Ning Mengyao's mouth slightly hooks: "Tianchang I found it."

"Well, let's see what happened."

Ning Mengyao opened it and looked at it. After reading it, her eyes were weird and her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Qiao Tianchang was puzzled, "what's the matter?"

How can I look like this after reading it? It's weird.

Ningmengyao looks at the things in her hand, but she has no choice: "I don't know how to say that. Tianchang, please have a look."

After watching it, Qiao Tianchang was puzzled: "researcher? Doctor? What is that? "

Ning Mengyao gives Qiao Tianchang a speechless look. Does he grasp the wrong point? Isn't that what they want to say? It's something inside.

In fact, the second princess is a biological researcher, who has a fanatical interest in biological research. Although in ancient times, she never gave up such wailing, but she didn't expect that the things tossed out made her family almost die out. I don't know whether it's good or not, but ningmengyao knows that it's definitely not a good thing.