When Ning Mengyao saw that Yu Feng was not cheated this time, he was very sorry: "ah, my brother-in-law has learned how to behave. I don't have any fun."

Feng Xiao smiled at Ning Mengyao and said, "if Yu Feng hears this, he will die of grief."

In fact, for so many years, fengxiao is still very confused. Yufeng's love for ningmengyao has really reached an outrageous place, but some of them haven't found out yet.

No, maybe they have found out for a long time, just pretending that they don't know anything.

"Brother in law will not."

"Are you sure of him?" Feng Xiao looks at Ning Mengyao and asks jokingly.

Ning Mengyao nodded seriously: "you can say that, too."

Feng Xiao smiles and shakes his head. He doesn't speak anymore, but his eyes are full of helplessness.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, you will make me feel that I have done something heinous." Ning Mengyao said seriously.

Feng Xiao thought about it, and directly changed the topic: "I don't know if they can give that person back. What do you think about Mengyao?"

Ning Mengyao thought for a moment, then shook his head: "in fact, this is not sure. If it can be saved, of course, it's the best. If it doesn't come back, it's impossible, isn't it?"

Feng Xiao thinks about it. It seems that he said that, but how could it be so strange.

"Let's go and have a look. I hope there will be good news for us." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

If she can, she actually hopes that person can be saved, even if it turns out to be an ordinary person, which is at least one of Xiao Zi's thoughts.

When the three returned to the place before, Xiao Zixun was staying by his father's side. His father now looks like an ordinary person at a glance, but many places still make people worried.

"Xiaozi, are you ok?"

Xiao Zitian looked up at Ning Mengyao and smiled: "I'm ok. My father's life is saved. Although he may be slow in the future, it's good for me."

"Is it? As long as you think it's good, we can only help you so much. You have to decide the rest. Neither I nor they can interfere in your decision. " Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zitian and said with a smile.

Xiao Zitian was silent for a long time. Looking at Ning Mengyao, he said gratefully, "thank you."

"Xiao Zi wants to say thank you again. Can you believe we beat you?" Qiao moshang looked at Xiao Zitian and said with great dissatisfaction.

Reaching for his nose, Xiao Zitian's smile became more obvious: "maybe I should thank that woman. If it wasn't for that woman, I wouldn't go to Xiao country and know you."

Sometimes think about it, fate this kind of thing is really not clear.

Qiao Mo Shang takes a look at Xiao Zi and groans proudly. It seems that he is still very dissatisfied with him, but the smile in his eyes has betrayed everything.

Ningmengyao looks at the people on the ground. They are similar to Xiao Zitian, but there are still some strange places on them. However, those places can be ignored when they first saw people.

"My mother, this uncle will be fine. I'll be fine for a while." Tangtang came to Ning Mengyao's side and said seriously.

Ning Mengyao looks at her daughter unexpectedly: "is this true?"

Tangtang nodded very seriously: "well, of course, it's true. Tangtang doesn't lie. Nanyu uncle also knows that." Tangtang pointed to Nanyu on the edge and said very seriously.

Ningmengyao looks at Nanyu island. The latter nods seriously. It looks like it's really the same as Tangtang said. It really has a way.

"That mother gave the person to sugar, sugar must take good care of Uncle know?" Ning Mengyao reached out and touched her daughter's head. The smile on her face did not break.

Tangtang nodded seriously: "well, Tangtang will take good care of her uncle, my mother found out."

Ning Mengyao pinched her daughter's face and said nothing more. Instead, Nan Yu's eyes were always on Qiao Tianchang: "what's this, boss?"