Looking at Qiao Tianchang, who was very strange just now, Nanyu was puzzled. What happened to their eldest brother?

"It's OK. These are for you." Qiao Tianchang hands over the things in his hand. As soon as Nanyu wants to ask what it is, he hears the voice coming from inside, and his eyes immediately stare round. Then he must be excited. Such a treasure, their eldest brother has it? Isn't that amazing?

"Where are you from, boss?" Nanyu asked excitedly.

"I found it in the attic of Xiao's house, and I knew you would like it, so I kept it. You and Tangtang can do it by themselves. " Qiao Tianchang said casually that he was very satisfied with their practice.

Nan Yu smiles and nods. Looking at the jar, he would like to go back now and take Li Jian's things out for a good study. When he sees Nan Yu like this, Qiao Tianchang shakes his head helplessly. He is also infected with things like insects and insects, and he becomes a little crazy.

"Take it easy, don't overdo it." Thinking about it, Qiao Tianchang said.

"Don't worry, boss. I'm not going to do anything." At best, it will be OK after a period of tossing.

When they were talking, Tangtang had noticed the things here. He hurriedly came over and looked at the things in Nanyu's hand curiously: "what did you give Nanyu uncle to daddy? Can I play, too? "

Although Qiao Tianchang has long known that women are also very interested in these things, it's true that when his daughter looks at him with salivary eyes, Qiao Tianchang still has some weakness.

But nodded, Qiao Tianchang said: "well, you can play, but you need to work with your uncle Nanyu, understand?"

Sugar nodded incessantly. No matter who she was with, as long as she could play, she really didn't care about other things.

Nanyu took a look at Tangtang and decided to go back and play in a safe place. Now it's better not to think so much.

"Uncle Nan Yu, you can't play without me after you go back." Sugar some uneasy mouth said.

Qiao Mo Shang's mouth slightly twitches for a while. There is such a sister who doesn't know whether it's good or not.

"Mom, did you say that everything outside has been settled?" Jomo Shang said with great interest.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, then he smiled: "who knows? What does this have to do with us? "

never mind how to make complaints about such an irresponsible person. How can he get rid of them? I don't know what's going on outside. What do they do next?

"Little monkey, you can just say what you want to say directly. Don't speak ill of me in your heart." Ning Mengyao looked at his son in front of him and said in a cool voice.

The eyelids slightly beat for a while, and Qiao moshang said innocently: "Mom, I don't think so. You said it yourself. It has nothing to do with me."

Holding Qiao moshang's cheek, Ning Mengyao's brow tightly crinkled: "you've learned to play tricks with me, boy?"

Qiao Mo Shang smiled, reached out his hand and pulled the hand off his face: "Mom, I don't mean that. You said it yourself. It has nothing to do with me."

Ning Mengyao snorted, but he didn't care too much, just saw his expression, but thought it was very interesting.

"Don't you think you are too flattering, little monkey?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Mo Shang and asks casually.

Qiao Mo Shang thought about it, then shook his head decisively: "it's not flattery in front of his mother."

Ning Mengyao looks at her son with a smile on her eyebrow: "is it flattery? Then tell me, what's your name? "

"Mom, do I think we should go outside to have a look? What do you think of the Revenge of lightning? "