Xiao Qitian nodded: "don't worry, I know, you are so happy, where can I go?"

"We will leave together with Tianchang and leave the things in chaotang to you. As for the things outside chaotang, I will help you watch them." They believed that they could handle the affairs of Xiao better.

Xiao Qitian smiled and nodded, "OK, I'll listen to elder brother."

"But I'm really curious, elder brother. When can you and your sister-in-law have a nephew for me?" Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng and said jokingly.

Xiao Qifeng and Xue nishang have been together for such a long time, and they haven't had a child yet. The middle and other reasons are really imaginative.

Xiao Qifeng slightly twitches at the corner of his mouth and looks at Xiao Qitian contemptuously: "I'll talk about it later."

Xiao Qitian made a sound. It seemed to be bad intention.

Xiao Qifeng took a cool look at Xiao Qitian. He is now brave and fat, isn't he? I dare to say such things, and I dare to tease myself. I'm really looking for a beating.

"Elder brother, I care about you. You see I'm younger than you. My son can be on his own. You don't have a child..." Xiao Qitian tut said, no matter how he looked, he still felt a little flat.

Xiao Qifeng's face turned black and looked at Xiao Qitian's eyes, which were very ugly: "you are here to find trouble with me today, aren't you?"

Xiao Qitian quickly shook his head. He wasn't looking for a beating, but he thought his eldest brother was really bad.

"I don't think so. I just think big brother should have a child of his own." Xiao Qitian said seriously.

Disdainful looked at his younger brother, Xiao Qifeng discontented and said: "you can manage yourself well, don't worry about me."

“……” Xiao Qitian is speechless. Who is he provoking? He's just worried about his brother. Now he's making a fool of himself. It's nothing.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the good relationship between the two and couldn't help laughing: "you are still like this."

Only Xiao Qifeng fell out with Qi Tian in order to protect them. In other times, the relationship between them is as good as it is now.

Xiao Qitian reached out and touched his nose: "elder brother, you don't listen to me. Anyway, my words have been put here."

In fact, he is also a little embarrassed. After all, it seems that it is not good for him to say such things to his brother.

Xiao Qifeng squinted at Xiao Qitian: "as long as you find a woman to come back, I will have a baby with your sister-in-law."

In fact, he also wanted to have a child, but the snow and neon clothes didn't seem to like it so much, so the event of dwarfs was pushed back again and again.

Ning Mengyao looked at the two brothers, and couldn't help laughing: "Qi Feng, aren't you afraid that he will find a woman back in a few days?"

Xiao Qifeng shook his head: "it can't be."

At a glance of Xiao Qifeng, Ning Mengyao shook her head strangely: "you have to believe that there is nothing impossible in this world, especially emotional things."

In fact, ningmengyao is just talking about it casually, but I didn't expect it. Soon after, Xiao Qitian really brought back a very nice and beautiful woman for them. Of course, that's all later.

"If Qi Tian wants to find a daughter-in-law, I will have a baby."