Xue nishang also looks at them like this. She doesn't believe it. Xiao Qitian can find a daughter-in-law soon.

Xiao Qitian's mouth slightly twitches, looking at the couple in front of him: "is it really good for you to pit your brother like this?"

Xiao Qifeng nodded and said seriously, "I think it's very good."

Ning Mengyao looked at his brother twice and couldn't help laughing: "your feelings are still so good."

Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao with a black line on his face, and said without words, "who has a good relationship with him? I know to bully me as soon as I get back. "

"You don't think I helped you? In this case, I'll go back to the snow region with nishang. " Xiao Qifeng says helplessly, how to look like that all very want to beat.

Xiao Qitian looked at his brother without words. He twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth, and finally looked at Xiao Qifeng contemptuously: "brother, you are enough."

"Do you have an opinion?" Xiao Qifeng picked up his eyebrows and looked at the people in front of him. He said with a smile.

Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng contemptuously and said, "I don't talk to childish ghosts."

Xiao Qifeng squinted at the person in front of him. His expression changed. Then he smiled again: "what's your opinion on me, boy?"

"I have no problem with you."

Ningmengyao looks at these two people and they are speechless. What are they doing? What does that mean?

"How are you two doing?" Ning Mengyao is speechless.

"Mengyao, I haven't seen this big brother for several years. What do you think I should do?" Xiao Qitian sighed.

Ningmengyao's eyelids beat for a while, and he said with disgust, "I know your feelings are good, but don't show your brother's deep feelings in front of us?"

Xiao Qitian is speechless. Is that what he means? How to become brothers.

After the fight, Xiao Qifeng looked at the snow neon clothes beside him: "nishang is very interested in our country, Xiao. I may take him around later."

At the same time, he also wants to see what kind of state Xiao is now.

Ning Mengyao thought about it, then nodded: "in fact, it's a good idea, but are you sure you can do this?"

Xiao Qifeng smiled: "this is very good, isn't it?"

Ning Mengyao thinks about it, and thinks it's really good, but Looking at Xiao Qifeng, "I think some people are going to be unlucky."

Although they cleaned up a lot of officials, after all, they can't make it clear that every one of them is investigating. If they follow Xiao Qifeng's example, it's just a private visit. Then some people will be unlucky, and the result will make Xiao more powerful.

"Mengyao, you are gloating." Xiao Qitian turned a big white eye and said that he was disgusted.

Ningmengyao looks at xiaoqitian without words: "when mu'er takes over Xiaoguo, Xiaoguo will certainly become more powerful."

Xiao Qitian nodded: "of course I know it is, but when the time comes, Muer's responsibility will be more." Looking at Xiao Mu who is talking with Qiao Mo Shang, she sighs helplessly.

Xiao Mu hears Xiao Qitian's words, the expression on the face is very firm: "father emperor I can."

Of course, he knows what his responsibilities are. That's why he wants to be stronger and stronger. Only in this way can the people of Xiaoguo live a better life.

Xiao Qitian looks at Xiao Mu, but his face is helpless: "mu'er, do you think it's ok?"

"Father, I think so."