Qiao Mo Shang is discontented to look at Ning Mengyao: "does your mother have you to tear down the Taiwan for her son like this?"

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a thick smile, with a little smile on the corner of her mouth: "well, let's play."

Sugar sugar looks at Qiao Mo Shang's appearance, can't help but smile and cover his mouth and secretly smile: "brother, mother dislikes you."

Qiao Mo Shang did not have a good look at his sister, the corners of his mouth slightly twitch, the expression on his face has changed a lot, the eyes are helpless.

"Sugar are you laughing at my brother?"

Sugar sugar thought about it, shook his head decisively, and said seriously, "I believe my brother will be the eldest here."

When I was in the border city, my brother was also the leader of all the children, whether they were in their circle or outside.

Jomo Shang's mouth kept twitching. Looking at his sister, he suddenly didn't know what to say. With such a sister, should he be happy, or should he be happy, or should he be sad?

Doudou looks at his brother. After a while, he nods seriously: "I think Tangtang is right, brother. You are really likely to be the king of children here."

Qiao Mo Shang's mouth corners were pulled out. He looked at his brother and sister silently, just thinking about their words. Then he thought about such a picture. Qiao Mo Shang's body trembled for a while, and his mouth corners were twitching. Such a picture was so beautiful that he dared not think about it.

"I don't have so much time to play with those little farts. When I stay at home for a while, I'm going to go out to practice. Do you two listen to my parents at home?" Said Jomo Shang, frowning.

It's not that he looks down upon the children here, but that he still has a lot of things to do. There's no need to waste his time on these things. After all, there are many things for him.

Doudou is discontented and looks at Qiao moshang: "elder brother, you want to leave us and go out to play by yourself."

Qiao Mo Shang is very speechless card own younger brother, do not have good spirit of say: "when did I say to want to play?"

He would be happy if he could play, but it seems that there is no difference between his experience and playing.

"I'll take you out if you're older." Who makes their grade so small? No wonder they don't?

Doudou looked at Jomo Shang with contempt and said, "I'm only a junior. You still say that."

Ningmengyao reached out to Doudou and said, "this is my brother. How can I talk like this? If you want to experience, you can make yourself more powerful. As long as you can become as powerful as your brother, we will rest assured that you will go out. "

Doudou frowned, but soon started again: "Niang, this is what you said. You can't talk without words."

Ning Mengyao nodded softly: "when did I lie to you?"

Doudou thinks about it carefully. It seems that her mother has never really said anything before. Everything she says will come true.

"Mother, I'm very powerful now. Can I go out and play?" Doudou stares at ningmengyao, which makes her speechless. Her feelings are waiting for her here.

"You can take Qingxuan with you." Ning Mengyao thought about it and nodded.

Since it is the child's idea, she naturally wants to agree.

Doudou is a little unhappy: "why does mother's brother have no one to follow, we have someone to follow?"

"Who said no? Your brother will be followed, but in secret. As long as there is no danger of life, they will not interfere in what your brother does, but you can't, because you are still young. " Ning Mengyao looked at Doudou and said seriously.

Doudou is still a little unhappy, but it seems to be the same thing when he thinks about it, so he quickly thinks, "can I go out with my brother?"

Ningmengyao looked at Doudou with the no words: "you look like this, you will make me think you dislike us very much."