Doudou touched his nose, and then said seriously, "Mom, we really think it's better to have dad with you. Let's do what we should do."

Don't think they don't know. Dad is also very disgusted with them now. He won't be angry when sugar is close to his mother. But if it's for them, you can try it. It's about dying.

Ningmengyao's mouth slightly twitches, looking at his son: "Doudou, how much do you dislike us?"

"Niang, if you ask dad not to give us eye knives when we are near you, we will not go out." Doudou suddenly looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously.

Ningmengyao is speechless for a moment. It seems very simple, but he can't do it. It's not because of how difficult it is. It's because the three sons in Qiao Tianchang's eyes now, that's the existence that they dislike. It's just that it's light.

Doudou helplessly spread out his hands: "Niang, you can't do it, can you?"

Qiao Mo Shang suddenly looks at Doudou's back: "Doudou, look at who is behind you."

Doudou turns his head doubtfully. Just turning his head, he sees Qiao Tianchang looking at him with a smile. His expression is so beautiful.

The smile on Doudou's face suddenly cracked. He looked at Qiao Tianchang in amazement and said awkwardly, "when did you come here, dad?"

Joe Tianchang may have a look at his son. Seeing him, he looked at him cautiously. He touched his mouth slightly: "do you want to know?"

Doudou is silent for a while, then shakes his head: "no, if you don't want to say it, you can not say it."

Qiao Tianchang was speechless for a moment. He looked at the three children and said, "well, I've made you your favorite food. Go back."

Doudou goes to Qiao Tianchang's side: "Dad, aren't you angry?"

"Angry what? I don't like you pestering your mother, but I'm not stingy to this point. Aren't you going out to practice for a while? In this case, let's take advantage of this time to have a good time and get together tomorrow. " Qiao Tianchang also has his own idea. He immediately looked at the three children and said.

Tangtang's face was obviously tangled and seemed to be thinking about something serious.

Qiao Tianchang carried sugar into his arms: "sugar also want to go with their brother?"

Sugar a Leng, then nodded, looking forward to Qiao Tianchang: "Daddy can I go?"

Qiao Tianchang thought about it, then nodded, "it can be, but my father has a request to bring Qinghuai and Qingxue."

Tangtang doesn't care how many people she has to take with her. As long as Qiao Tianchang says that she can go out, she feels very excited and happy.

"Ah, Dad, it's very kind of you. I like you best." Sugar said excitedly.

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at the man in front of her. She was very dissatisfied and said, "Oh, you like Daddy, don't you like your mother?"

"I like my mother, too, but I do."

A few people talk and laugh back, and the people they see on the edge are very envious. Such a harmonious family is the best. But think about the people in their own family, the corners of their mouths are slightly hooked up. He also has such a life, and all of them rely on Ning Mengyao to have such a happy life.

When the family went back, Yufeng and they had been waiting there for a long time: "it's enough for you to go out and play. It's too late for you to come back."

Qiao Tianchang looked at Yu Feng at will, and said coldly, "does it matter?"

When can't you play? At this time?

"Come on, I'm going hunting in the mountains. Come back to barbecue in the evening." Joe thought about it and said.

They have too many people and are too troublesome to cook. It's better to bake directly. It's interesting to bake what they want.

Mu Chen and they nodded: "that's a good idea, we agree."