"Then go to the game. I'll see if there are wild mushrooms or something." Ningmengyao hasn't done the things that aunt gave you for a long time. Think about it and listen to nostalgia.

Sugar a listen to, immediately came to interest: "mother I also want to go."

Finally, Tangtang follows Ning Mengyao, and the rest of the children follow Qiao Tianchang to the mountain. They are more interested in hunting. As for others, they don't seem to like it so much.

After they arrived in the mountain, Jomo Shang separated from Qiao Tianchang and said that they would compete with him, which made Qiao Tianchang feel very interesting, and naturally they would not object, just let them leave carefully.

"Brother Shang, can we win?"

"Whether you can do your best or not." Qiao moshang said casually.

Although the performance on the surface is not so concerned, but in my heart, I can't help but think that no matter how many of them, their father can't be more powerful than them, right?

And even if they lose, they should not lose too ugly.

When they went hunting, Ning Mengyao also brought sugar into the mountain. In this season, there are a lot of mushrooms in the mountain. In a short time, they picked almost a basket: "let's go back."

"Good." Tangtang holds a lot of wild flowers in her hands. Although there are many flowers at home, she likes them very much.

Qiao Tianchang came back when the sun set. They beat a lot of things. Qiao Tianchang brought back two deer. Qiao moshang's children saw what Qiao Tianchang had brought back. They were speechless for a moment. Their biggest thing was two roes. But his father was so good that he got two deer directly.

"Compared with Dad, we are really naive." Jomo said, shaking his head.

When Ning Mengyao heard his son's appearance, she couldn't help laughing. This child is so interesting.

"I said Dad, don't you know to let us?" Jomo Shang said angrily.

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at his son. He said smilingly, "you still need me to let you go?"

Smart search also gave you a silent look at Qiao Tianchang, and finally decided not to say such words to his father, saving his anger.

"Well, stay with you. We'll take care of the rest." Qiao Tianchang waves away people.

Joe moshang thought about it. Finally, he decided to leave first. Although he would peel off the skin, he just thought that his hands might get dirty, so he had no interest in it.

Qiao Tianchang looks at his son funny and shakes his head helplessly. Sometimes his son's obsession with cleanliness breaks out, which is really helpless.

About an hour later, Qiao Tianchang and Qingxuan had dealt with all their prey and piled a lot of cut meat on the edge.

When they dealt with their prey, Ning Mengyao also said that the vegetables had been dealt with. Not only that, but also he found some sweet potatoes to bake.

"Mom, bake more." Doudou sees Ning Mengyao's action and quickly opens his mouth.

Ningmengyao looked at Doudou in silence and said, "OK, I know. Let's play."

All the people, regardless of the master or the servant, just sit at the table, drinking and barbecue at the same time, which is really very good.

Qingxuan and Qiao Tianchang also became one with each other on this day. They have nothing to say, nothing to say, and nothing to do with the master or the servant. Some of them just get together.

Their party didn't end until midnight. The child had already gone to bed. Although Ning Mengyao didn't go back to the room, he fell asleep in Qiao Tianchang's arms. Seeing her like that, Feng Xiao said, "why don't you carry someone to sleep in the room?"

Qiao Tianchang drank the wine in his hand and looked at fengxiao and said casually, "drink slowly. I'm going to sleep."

“……” Yufeng people are very speechless looking at Qiao Tianchang, so they left? Didn't you say you won't get drunk?

Yu Feng takes a look at Feng Xiao and says in silence: "I want Tian Chang to get drunk It's too difficult. "

They don't know how good Qiao Tianchang's drinking capacity is, because they didn't see him drunk at all.