It's today. After midnight, he doesn't even have any sign of being drunk. If he continues to drink this real medicine, maybe they all lie down and Joe Tianchang is still OK.

Feng Xiao looks at Yu Feng speechless. Although he knows it's true, don't say it directly?

"Come on, let's drink it ourselves and go to sleep." Feng Xiao said, holding the jar.

Yufeng laughs, reaches out and touches fengxiao. So do the morning bathers.

They don't know when they didn't drink it. When they got up in the morning, Ning Mengyao saw many people sleeping in the courtyard, and there were a lot of wine jars beside them.

The eyelids beat slightly. These people don't drink wine, do they?

He reached out and rubbed his forehead. Ning Mengyao's mouth kept twitching. He seemed to throw people out directly, so at least she would not be angry.


"Uncle Jiang, please let them all be carried back. It's disgraceful to block them here." Ningmengyao really felt it and some could not bear to look straight at it, which had no image, and did not know what they felt when they woke up and saw it.

Uncle Jiang looked at Ning Mengyao with a funny look. "Don't worry, miss. They will be OK."

Ningmengyao gave them a bad look, and said: "Uncle Jiang, I don't want to care about them, but you look at them like this, it's really damaging the image."

Uncle Jiang couldn't help laughing. He looked carefully, as if he was really talking to the young lady. It was really damaging the image.

"Uncle Jiang, they will ask you." Ning Mengyao looked at the people on the ground and said helplessly.

Is it really good to sleep here this big night? They are not afraid of catching a cold.

Uncle Jiang smiled and nodded, "don't worry, miss. Just leave it to me."

Ningmengyao nodded, turned and went into the kitchen. After cooking some sobering Soup for the people outside, she told uncle Jiang that they woke up and asked them to drink the sobering soup. Then she went out.

Ningmengyao hasn't seen it in the workshop since he came back these days. Now he is going to see it.

After arriving at the workshop, the people in the workshop were very excited when they saw her, especially those who came out of the Miao area.

"Miss, you are finally back. Are you still going this time?"

Before, they went to the border town together, but they couldn't pass because of their own reasons. Although the young lady didn't say anything and was not unhappy, their hearts were still very self reprobated. They were supposed to protect the young lady.

"I would not have gone without an accident. How about this side? Is that all right? " Ningmengyao smiled and nodded, knowing their remorse, but he didn't say anything.

"No problem. The business is very good. It is always carried out according to the things left by the young lady." Although there have been some small problems in the process, it is harmless for them.

They soon solved it by themselves.

Ningmengyao nodded, relieved: "this is good, this period of time hard you."

The crowd quickly shook their heads: "we don't work hard. It's good for you to come back, miss. We can protect you again."

Ning Mengyao looks at them and shakes his head helplessly. Thinking of their present appearance, he has to say that many people are very happy now. They have wives and sons.

"Well, you don't have to blame yourself. As long as you live a good life, it's the biggest protection for me." Ningmengyao doesn't want them to feel guilty for her all the time. They are also human beings. After they get married and have children, they also have their own responsibilities. Besides, no one can use them around her.

Since someone can use it, why do you want all these people to follow you? Isn't that trouble?

The people on the side of ningmengyao's words, the heart felt sour and astringent, very uncomfortable, to have such a young lady this is their several years of cultivation blessing, no one can match.

Ningmengyao reached out and patted them gently: "live a good life."

"Thank you, miss."