“Eh, Mia san….?”

The person in front of me is exactly the same person I met at the bathhouse yesterday.

It was unmistakably her, despite the slight difference in hair style.

“W-why are you here?”

“Ah, it’s so cold. It’s so cold.”

She lightly brushes off my questioning and makes a show of it.

I think she deserved it because she came all the way out of the car and was cold, but when she said she was cold, it made me feel like I was making her wait.

I kind of feel like I’m going to fall for a scam in the future. ……

“Um…Then we can talk in the car.”

I make a suggestion, and she signals something with her eyes to the woman sitting in the driver’s seat of the car.

What? The next moment I thought, the car starts up and the front lights brighten.

Not long after that, the car unceremoniously drove away.


“Aaah, too cold”

Why did that car go away!? It would have been warmer if we talked in that car!

“Then let’s go to the nearest family restaurant……”

“I walked a lot today in heels, I can’t move anymore.”


If you were so exhausted, you didn’t have to wait today?! You’re lying for sure!?

I was tempted to make a comment to her, but I could not do so, considering the fact that I was dealing with Mia san.

Or rather, I know what she means.

But that is indeed not the case.

After all, it was Mia Brooks. She is a very famous person who is active in the U.S. and, by extension, the whole world.

Of course, I could not just casually let such a person into my house, and if anything, it would be bad to even see her at this time of the day when the sun had set.

……, but I guess she got the idea that I was thinking that way.

“Ah, If it’s the paparazzi who have been following us, don’t worry, we’ve already gotten rid of them… ♪”

What is –get rid? I’m curious but too scared to ask. ……

In the meantime, let’s put my hands together for the paparazzi.

And let’s put my hands together for my future.

After all, I am about to let an extraordinary person into my home.

“Um, sorry for the cramped space, but here you go……”

“Oh, so this is Rin’s house!”

Mia san already looked excited when I brought her up to the door.

I know, the first time you come to a house, you get more or less excited.

Well, I think there are only a few people in this world who can raise the tension on the side of welcoming Mia san.

“Then I turn on the stove and wait for a while. Until the kotatsu gets warmer, stay quiet around there and ……wait!”

“Heeee, I didn’t expect you to read a book~!”

When Mia san took her eyes off me, she moved to the bookshelf before I knew it.

I’m nervous, and I don’t want her to make unpredictable moves.

“For now! Please Stay in your seat!”

“What~? Oh, well, you must have something interesting!”

I don’t have anything to be ashamed of in this room now. It’s because Mirei found it when Kotoha came over the other day and got rid of it.

I cried tears of blood at the time, but now that Mia san is coming this way, I am very grateful.

The awkwardness of being discovered is very different.

Mia san seems to have agreed, though reluctantly, and returned to the living room.

It seemed that she had been strolling here and there on her way to the airport.

“What would you like to drink?”

“Then Cocoa !”

“Roger that”

Mia san cheerfully responds by raising her hand.

Such gestures and choices, such as cocoa, are appropriate for her age, or rather, she makes me realize that she is not even 20 years old yet.

Somehow, the fact that she is a superstar makes me think, but I guess she is still just a girl of age.

Then while I was making milk cocoa, I was thinking about her purpose for coming here.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that I stood back from contacting her. I was told to be sure to contact her, but as I expected, I hesitated and didn’t contact her. I wonder if she was angry about that.

But then, was it a coincidence that we met at the bathhouse yesterday?

A chance encounter in the men’s sauna. What an unrealistic plot. It must have been intentional.

If that’s the case, the question is why would a superstar named Mia Brooks go to such lengths to see me?

As I recall, I heard in the sauna yesterday that I have some recognition in the US.

Maybe through that, Mia san learned about my music and liked it more than she thought she would.

“If that’s all you’ve come here for…..you’ve got to limit to your curiosity…”

Or, if it were Mia san, she would be able to make someone come just by telling them to come.

The veto power is practically nonexistent.

Still, it is very bold of her to come on her own, and in a way …… very interesting.

Maybe you have to be that crazy to become a superstar.

“Rin? Is it beeping?”

“Hmm? Ah, It is”

I was jolted back to reality from my thoughts. I guess I hadn’t heard the warning beeps of the microwave.

“Here you go”

I Take the hot cocoa along with my own coffee and place it in front of Mia san.

Mia san thanked me and immediately put her mouth on it, and then took her mouth away from it, saying “hot hot”.

“Fuuuuu, fuuuu”

“Cat tongue, yeah?”

“Cat tongue………? Aaah, right. I’ve always hated hot things.”

Mia san says a little childishly.

It made me smile a little.

“What is it~?”

“No, I just felt like, this is the superstar that’s going to populate that world.”

“Bad? It’s not bad right!”

It kind of reminded me of when I first had Kotoha, Mirei, and Azusa.

I remember well how amused I was at the time, thinking that every one of them was wearing a cat in front of the TV. (TL/N : I don’t get it)

Then, when Mia san’s hot cocoa was about half gone and moved to the kotatsu, I decided to ask her directly.

“Why did you come here today, Mia san?”

When I posed the question, Mia san answered in a tone of voice as if she remembered.

“Because Rin never contacted me! I wanted to get back at you, get back at you! I wanted to surprise you.”

“Is that why you came all the way here …… all the way to get rid of the paparazzi?”

“Of course! I mean, Rin is Rin! You’ve got a lot of nerve to stand me up!”

“No, I’m not normally that scared to give out my contact information like that.”

“No excuses!”

Kicking and kicking in the kotatsu. It hurts it hurts it hurts

“Well, and then there’s that.”


“Song ! Now make it up and play it!”


It’s already 9:00 p.m.!? I’m going to make it now!?

“That’s a bit of a stretch. ……”

“Don’t talk back to me! Ah, I’m staying over tonight.”

“Ah, eh ?! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!??”

No, she said a great thing without hesitation!? She said something so casually and easily that it might cause an eruption of Mt. Fuji

“Imposibble! And about that ! I’m sure your manager would not allow it.”

“She was happy to say, [I’ll sleep better today ……]!”

“That personnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

For some reason, Mia san seemed to be trusted, but for me, the worst of the worst was also the worst.

I had no idea that a 100 percent risky event like letting Mia san stay at my house had suddenly occurred.

“Come on, quickly make it♪”

“First is food, this girllll!!!!”

I’m prepared to stay up all night today. Or rather, I’ll do my best without sleeping a wink.