Shah. Clang, clang, clang. Squeak. Squeak, squeak. Shah.


Even though there is a thick wall separating this room from the bathroom, and I have headphones in my ears to create even more of a wall.

Why is it that the sound of a shower and the accompanying metallic noise in the bath reach my ears so vividly?

Maybe the big guy has a name for it. After all, it’s a common problem among boys!

I don’t know why, but I have a disease in which I can only hear the sound of a woman bathing very clearly. Wait there’s no such thing as a maniacal disease!

While making a self-tack, I still try to squash the troubles that pop into my head one by one in the manner of swatting a fly.

–Well, what I mean is that I am unusually aware of Mia san’s presence in the bath, to put it simply.

I can’t help it. I mean, the beautiful Mia san is using the bathroom in my house.

No doubt the place where she stepped on her bare feet will be purified and the leftover water from the bath she took will smell good. The idea is sickening, me.

“Hah ……, how did this happen ……”

It all started after I came out of the bath.

Naturally, Mia san said she had come with the intention of staying the night, so I assumed she had come after taking a bath and making appropriate preparations.

So I unplugged the bathtub, and I even simulated that she could use my bed and I could sleep on the couch.

But as soon as I left the bath, she said.

“I’m going to take a bath too~”

The words were uttered in a spontaneous manner.

“Eh, bath……?”

“Yes, I sweated under the kotatsu, too.”

The bare legs that were held out to me were simply beautiful and even luscious.

No signs of swelling at all.

But I found herself inexplicably sexy and smitten, so I decided to give her a bath to wash away my guilt over her.

And so it has been up to now.

Hearing the sound of the shower, I suddenly imagine Mia san washing herself.

A drop of water dripping from that blonde hair falls gently according to gravity from her pure white neck.

It climbs up one of the voluptuous twin hills and falls from the top.

It falls slowly down the supple limb and is absorbed by the toenails.

“…… what the hell am I thinking ……”

I was just a pervert. I was undeniably a pervert.

I decided it was a bad idea to listen to the sound of the bath any longer, so I played blaring rock music through my headphones.

My ears were buzzing, but I managed to reach a state of detachment from wordly desires.

It was difficult to make music while listening to the explosions, so I gave up and meditated on my chair, when Mia san came out of the bath and entered the room.

“Rin? Thanks for the shower.”

She is wearing the short-sleeved short pants I usually use for home wear.

I am a little taller than Mia san, so it seemed like it would be just right, but the assertion of the clear presence of b****s made it rather a little tight.

“Really, why didn’t you bring clothes when you were planning to stay the night ……?”

“I thought I’d have enough underwear. and you know, I can borrow clothes from Rin.”

As if to check her own appearance in my clothes, Mia san spreads her arms on the spot and does a cartwheel.

“How about it? If it doesn’t fit, I can lend you a hoodie.”

“♪I don’t need that~♪”

She looked somewhat pleased with herself and was stepping around looking at her reflection in the mirror.

I was relieved to hear that the size seemed to be okay.

“Hm? What was Rin doing?”

And there, Mia san seemed to wonder about my outfit and asked me.

Mia san points out to me and I check my figure.

Headphones in my ears, papers written in English spread out on the display.

“Oh, no, this is, well, a worldly desires ……”

“Worldly desires?’

“N-Nothing !!”

Good. I’m glad She don’t know the word “godly desires”.

She almost noticed that I was trying my best to reap the annoyance that came from imagining Mia san’s bathing scene.

Mia san had a question mark on her head with an innocent look on her face, but her interest soon shifted to something else.

“Oh, this is the computer Rin usually uses to write songs! Let me see.”

Then she approaches my chair half covered and brings her face close to the computer screen.

At that moment, a fluffy sweet scent wafts from her, and the annoyances that should have been banished reassemble.

Why does it smell so good!? You must have used the same shampoo as me.

Even up close, there is not a single brim of hair, golden hair that flows down, shining as silently as the Milky Way.

I couldn’t help but want to try to comb it out with my hands.

“Wow, wow, even the ones that were submerged are still there!”

Mia san was absorbed in my computer, not caring about my fainting in such agony.

These natural types who come to kill men are still the biggest threat. You’re right, keep your reason, me

“Hey, give me the mouse!”


Now Mia san rides even more.

Oh, I can feel the soft sensation on my arms…oh, maybe she is not wearing her top underwear!?!

No, I don’t know how much that one would change the feel, but whatever was hitting my arm now was a natural one.

This is a bad one. ……

“Hey Mia san…..”


She turned around in response to my words and I saw her face right there.

I think it is beautiful without a single blot even in such close proximity, its face that seems to have been made by God with such painstaking care.

Then my gaze gradually moved down from the position of the eyes, and there they were fresh cherry-red lips.

The distance between us was as close as I could get, and my heart was about to be sucked into it as it was. ……


Finally realizing her current state, Mia san poofed her face away.

“I mean, it’s different. ……. I didn’t do it on purpose or anything.”

“I know, I know.”

“I just got so excited when I thought that what Rin had created was there. ……”

”I know, I know.”

Mia san’s cheeks are upturned and even her ears are stained bright red.

Combined with the fact that her skin was always fair, the change was remarkable.

“Let’s just calm down for once.”

“Y-You’re right….”

I go outside once to pour a drink to lower the temperature in this room, which has risen so quickly.

The time is already around one o’clock in the evening, which means that the mood may be reddening on both sides.

“Haaaa….that was bad…”

I think I said it was a close call, but I think I was expecting it.

I had thought at that moment that it could happen.

I don’t know if I would try to touch anyone just because she is a beautiful girl, I’m …….

I was saddened by my lack of moderation, and yet when I returned to my room after taking a longer time because of the cooling down time, Mia san had already gone to sleep in my bed.

“Have you gone to bed already?”

As if it was a lie that I had been so conscious of her, Mia san seemed to have changed her mind.

It was wrapped in layers of blankets on the bed, all in one pile. She looked like a tiny baby bug.

“She must have been tired.”

I turned off the light in my room and just said good night, even though she probably didn’t hear me, and I left the room too.

Not surprisingly, I did not notice that Mia san’s ears were still red, hidden by her hair.