Chapter 2 - 2- Death at the hands of his relatives (2)

Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Death at the hands of his relatives (2)

Yang chen was used to talking all alone. The relatives who were after his money, only came once in a while just to check whether he was dead or alive. Forget knowing about his well-being, his existence had become like a thorn for them, barring them from getting his fortune.

However, they have forgotten one thing, he was the son of Yang Wudi and Ye Xinglan. He wouldn't let those bastards get even an ounce of the fortune his father used his blood and sweat to earn.

Yang Chen pressed on the intercom that was beside his bed as he said "Call Mister Xing to my room. Tell him that it is urgent".

The voice on the other side immediately affirmed to his request. Although his father had already died, he had a prestige and reputation even within this hospital.

The Mister Xing that Yang Chen called for, was an old friend of his father and amongst a few people that he could trust. More importantly, the other person was a lawyer who worked at their company.

The reason why he called a lawyer was because he was under the threat of his relatives trying something untoward on him. His frail body wouldn't be able to do anything against them hence before something happened to him, he wanted to reinstate his will and exclude these relatives of his from the fortune.

"Since you all want me to die, I won't leave behind a single penny for you all." Yang Chen declared with a ferocious expression.

After some time, he heard a knock on his door and a familiar person entered his room.

"Young master, you called?" Mister Xing asked.

"Yes, make a will clearly stating that after I die, all my fortune would go to the charity that includes the shares in my name". Yang Chen spoke his voice dead serious.

"Are you sure?" Mister Xing looked towards him to confirm. "Alright, i will do as you say".

What he failed to realise was that the moment he dived inside the game, the door to his room was slowly pushed open and a shadow of a person could be seen slowly creeping in.

DING... Initialising System. Error Logging in. Logging failed. ERROR!!... ERROR!!... ERROR!!... ERROR!!... DING.... Reinitialising System. System Error........ Reinitialising..... Update Found... installing update....

Since it was old and dilapidated game, Yang Chen thought that this might happen. However, to his surprise after initialising for a while the game started... or so it should have been.

However, when Yang Chen opened his eyes next, instead of finding himself in a place where he could create an avatar, he found himself lying on the floor of a small unknown cottage.

"Where is this place? Did the game already start? But I haven't even created my avatar nor did I choose my skills and class."

Yang Chen questioned. He was looking around his surrounding in mystery when suddenly a burst of pain assaulted his brain and he couldn't help but grab his head. The pain was so bad that it caused him to wiggle on the floor like an earthworm.

He felt his brain was being electrocuted and sliced open at the same time. It was that horrible. Fortunately, this did not last long. When it finally stopped, Yang Chen was still alive; however, he had a lost look in his eyes.

It was as if he was a different person. Memories that felt like his own, rapidly flashed through his head.

He was Yang Chen, a slave of a small tyrant clan called the Zhang clan from the Cloud city. Ever since he knew, he was an orphan who had no one close to take care of him. The reason why he was allowed to stay within the clan was because he was a slave that was purchased by them.

He had to work day and night for this clan, that was his only purpose. A slave who was not given any benefits for his work like the other clansmen nor were they treated well.

His life in the Zhang clan can only be described with one word, miserable. The other kids around his age would bully him and use him as their punching bag and try new battle skills on him.