Chapter 4 - 4- The Consciousness of the Greedvil Sytem

Chapter 4: Chapter 4- The Consciousness of the Greedvil Sytem

Yang tried to move his body and noticed that his wound and pain have all healed up.

What was going on? Surprised, Yang Chen tried to recall the events of last night and that was when he remembered the demon and the healing potion that healed his body.

Yang Chen was amazed; however, the reason why he was amazed wasn't because of the demon Amon but because of the name it mentioned. If he remembered correctly the demon told something about activating Greedvil System.

Greedvil System sounded the same as Greedvil Online. The old dilapidated game he purchased online. He should have been playing that game but he was accidentally reincarnated in this world.

That being said, the menu he saw last night definitely looked from some game.

"I cannot be mistaken, the Geedvil system is definitely from that game" Yang Chen who was now able to think clearly, came to a realisation. The menu looked nothing alike the menus of the games he had played so far, which meant that in that it was from a game he hadn't played yet.

"Ugh... then is inside the game!?" Yang Chen wondered; however, the memories he inherited from the body was far too real for it to be a game. Not to mention the level of pain he felt last night, that was not something a VR can create.

"There is only one way to find out" Yang Chen decided to open the menu.

"What was that demon's name again... was it Amon?" the moment he called its name, a black portal opened up and Amon appeared in front of him.

"So the host has woken up huh. Kehehe.. looks like you have survived the beating" As soon as it appeared, it made a snide comment right after its appearance.

"You can talk? Never mind that, I need to search for the logout button" Since the menu was from the game, there should be a log out button right?


That is why, he was in a disbelief when he heard that he had died as a result of his brain getting fried by a short circuit.

"That cannot be true, my head immersion gear was one of the best ones out there. If it damages one's brain then the company wouldn't be able to sell it for so long" Yang Chen pointed out.

"Hmm? Beats me, I do not know. Maybe it was tempered by somebody" Amon shrugged his shoulders.

Looking at him it did not look like he was lying. On the contrary, if his head immersion gear was tampered with, it would make sense after all, quite a number of people wanted him to die.

Yang Chen wouldn't be shocked if the ones to do it were his relatives or the nurses that took care of him.

"As for your other questions... This world seems to be a different one than the game you are thinking of. From the memories of the host, this place seems to be called the battle star continent".

"The reason why you cannot log out is because this is not a game, the host's soul has merged with the Greedvil system due to the short circuit while the system was reinstalling itself. As for why you have all those memories Amon does not have an answer for that" the demon explained folding his hands and flapping its tiny wings.

Yang Chen furrowed his brows after he heard what Amon said. "So this place is a different world and I'm not inside some game?".

He received a nod from the latter when he asked that.

"Then who are you? Did the Greedvil system have an annoying mascot like you?" Yang Chen pointed at Amon.

"Kehehe.. Amon believes that he is the consciousness of Greedvil system itself that was born after it merged with the host. In other words, I'm the part of the Greedvil system itself after the reinstallation" Amon tilted his head and replied.

'You don't sound very convincing' Yang Chen wanted to retort.