Chapter 8 - 8- A Villain!!

Chapter 8: Chapter 8- A Villain!!

"Amon.." yang Chen called out and a small demon holding a trident, appeared in front of him.

"Hm? It looks like the host has already used the attribute booster. What does he plan on using this time?" The demon asked with a wicked smile on his face.

"You said that you are the consciousness of the Greedvil System right?" Simon asked recalling what Amon said last time.

"That's right" the demon confirmed.

"In that case, it means that you have a duty to aid me right since I'm the host who has integrated with the system?" Yang Chen pointed out.

"Well, you are not wrong... So how can I help the host this time?" Amon asked amused that Yang Chen was able to figure all that out from the words he uttered casually.

"Tell me, all about the system and the options on the menu. I want to know if there is anything that can help me get out of my current predicament".

Since the system was from the game, shouldn't there be some functions to help players .. i.e.. him in situations like this? He needed to know what sorts of changes occurred to the Menu after it integrated with him.

"Kukuku... it looks like the blade hanging on your neck has somehow made you smarter. Alright, let me tell you what the Greedvil System is all about. Rejoice in delight, dance in ecstasy for you have gotten your hands on a supreme treasure".

"Zhang clan? Something as lowly as that does not even qualify to pose as a threat to the host. As long as you have the Greedvil System nothing in this world could pose a threat to you"

"Alright.. Alright, get to the point" Yang Chen interrupted the demon who was blowing things out of proportion. It was just a menu, other than being a tool to enable him what other uses could it have?

"Kekeke it is such a broken thing that I feel like it is wasted on you. Nevertheless, you who are integrated with it are the master of it. Listen carefully twerp, l won't repeat this again, this is not the game world or the same menu it used to be. So throw that idea out of your head"

"The Greedvil System is an extremely powerful and almighty system that can do anything and everything. Whatever you want you can have it. Climbing the ranks? it will be as easy as flipping a palm for you"

Hehe... Now wasn't that great? Even the heavens want him to become a villain.



On Yang Chen's orders, Amon tapped at the shop option with his trident and pulled up all the possible battle skills that he could buy with his current points.

Since the demon was the consciousness of the system itself, he knew about the system and all of its options more than anyone else. Of course, that included the shop and all of its contents.

"These are the best Battle Skills that the host can afford right now"

A list of battle skills appeared in front of Yang Chen, they were all of the Earth grade and cost 300 MP (Mischievous Points) and go as high as 500 MP.

Yang Chen browsed the skills... [Wind Splitting Chop], [Stone Punch],[ Wave Kick], [Super Strike] and so on and so forth.

Yang Chen was all lost, although he could make sense what these skills did based on their names, it was just.

"Hey, what happened to heaven-defying battle skills and all? Why are there such pathetic skills listed here right now" Yang Chen looked at Amon and asked.

"What is host spouting? Didn't I just explained it to you? These are currently the battle skills that you can afford with your meagre points. If you want these heaven Defying battle skills, start earning more points " Amon replied.

Looking at the demon's grinning face, Yang Chen realised that he had been duped. What almighty system? what supreme treasure? wasn't the system just saying him to work if he wanted to get stronger?

Although Yang Chen was frustrated, he could only bottle it up and look at the window in front of him. 'Let's start from the lowest'...