Chapter 9 - 9- Burst Steps

Chapter 9: Chapter 9- Burst Steps

An assortment of Battle Skills was listed in front of Yang Chen. there were so many of them that he felt lost. He did not know what battle skill to pick. Since he had a limited amount of Mischief points, he must use them carefully.

"Hey what's up with the Grade, Tier and all, why does every Battle Skill have Earth Grade Low Tier written beside them" Yang Chen noticed the anomaly in the list and asked.

Kukuku... Amon laughed mockingly and explained with a little tone of condescension.

"Well the host has occupied the body of a trash, no wonder you don't possess any information about it. Battle skills in this world are graded into four known divisions called the Grade".

"There is the Earth grade which is the lowest grade, above it is the Sky grade, then comes the Heaven grade and lastly the Msytic grade which is extremely powerful and only a small number of people in this entire world can practice them. Of course, there is a grade above Mystic Grade but it shouldn't concern you now".

"Anyways, returning to the point. Each of the Grades are further sub divided into Tiers- Low, Intermediate and High. For example, the Battle Skills you see right now, are all of Earth Grade Low Tier".

"Needless to say, each of these tiers and grades represents the strength and might of that battle skill. The Earth Grade is the most common and weakest. Similarly, a Low Tier is far below the High Tier. Do you understand now?"

Yang Chen nodded his head. Although he disliked the attitude of the demon, he must say that the latter was incredibly knowledgeable.

Yang Chen scrolled around and noticed that it was as Amon had said, all the Battle Skills listed for him were all Earth Grade Low tier. Well, it made sense that with his pitiful amount of mischievous points, he would only be able to purchase skills of that grade.

Grades such as Sky and above were beyond his reach for now

Yang Chen felt a severe headache assault him as new sets of information imprinted themselves into his memory. He now knew how to use the battle skill and everything related to it.

It was all good that he was able to learn a new battle skill; however, the method with which the system made the hst learn was horrible and it induced a severe headache.

Anyways, now that Yang Chen had learned the [Burst Step] skill, he couldn't wait to activate it and try it out immediately.

The activation was simple, he just had to follow the instruction that was in his memory and executed the skill as per it.

Fwoosh... Yang Chen's body moved and he swiftly appeared in a place a few meters away from where he initially was.

Was the activation of the Burst Steps a success? The answer was no, the burst step wasn't this lousy skill that Yang Chen had just executed, in fact, what he did couldn't even be called a Burst Step.

The Burst Steps skill allowed the user to move away from their initial place in an instantaneous burst of speed that was difficult for an ordinary person to perceive. What yang Chen had activated just now, did not qualify as a burst step since even an ordinary person could see him moving away from his place.

So what went wrong? The answer was even though Yang Chen had learned the skill, it did not mean that he had gained any completion over it.

"Kukuku... Of Course, the host cannot directly display the full power of the [Burst Steps]. You need to increase the Battle Skill's completion rate to the perfect completion stage to do that" the demon interjected.

As it turns out, to facilitate the host's learning, the Greedvil System has a function called the completion rate. The function requires the host to practice the battle skill for a set number of times to unlock the power and understanding of that particular skill.