Chapter 12 - 12- Loan

Chapter 12: Chapter 12- Loan

"Finally it's down"

Yang Chen fell on his butt after killing the crimson jackal, his chest puffed up and down as he took hurried breaths of air. Hunting a demonic beast on the level of the Crimson Jackal, was quite exhausting, he was completely spent.

Not only did he have to put his life on the line, he was almost killed numerous times. As this was not a game, the pain that he felt was real, the blood that he bled was also his own. How could he not feel a sense of dread?

That aside, the expression on his face said something else. when he saw the notification of his level up, a smile unknowingly crept onto Yang Chen's face.

This was the second demonic beast that he had killed today and from the accumulated experience he had gathered from hunting demonic beasts since the first day he dived inside this jungle, it allowed him to level up once again.

Yang Chen opened his [Character] window and saw that his level had rose to a Seven Star Battle Apprentice. When he came to the Star fall jungle, he was a Five Star Battle Apprentice which meant that his strength had risen up by two stages in just three days. Updated chapters at

This was a level of progress that can be honestly considered freakish even when compared to the geniuses of the Zhang clan. Yang chen was very satisfied with his progress.

The Crimson Jackal that he just fought was as strong as a Five Star or even a Six Star Battle Apprentice. Now that his level had risen to Seven Star Battle Apprentice, he could hunt these demonic beasts more easily.

Yann Chen's level was not the only thing that had progressed, the completion stage of the [Burst Steps] battle skill had also evolved to the advanced completion stage. This meant that he would be able to display more of the power of the burst step skill and use it more effectively.

"Let's see... I need to practice the burst step skill 4000 times to reach the peak completion stage" yang chen muttered.

It was 1000 times to reach the intermediate stage and 2500 for reaching the advance completion rate. Although the number of times he needed to practice the battle skill went up every time he reached a new stage, it was not a number than was unreachable.

Given a few more days, Yang Chen believed that he would be able to reach the peak completion rate of the [Burst Steps] skill, thus achieving full mastery over it.

After resting for a few more minutes, Yang Chen started dissecting the crimson jackal. His body needed nutrients to survive as such, he took some meat from the demonic beast's body before swiftly leaving the place.

After surviving inside the jungle for three days, he knew that the scent of the blood would draw other demonic beats here thus it was unsafe to remain in one place for long. Unless one had a team with them, staying near a corpse of a demonic beast was foolish.

"That's right, every level up increases the amount of mischief points that the host receives. The higher the level, the higher the points... Kfufu" Amon backed his thoughts.

"So it was like that, so how come I did not receive any points when I killed those five people from the Zhang clan and reached the Five Star Battle Apprentice?" Yang Chen asked a sudden question.

Now that he thought about it, he had only received 500 points. What happened to the rest of the points he should have gotten after his level up.

Amon simply shrugged his shoulders and explained "Sure you did, but that was used to repaying the loan?"

"Loan? What Loan?"

"The Greedvil System also has a loan system. However, I will advise you to refrain from using it since the interest rates are nonsensically high. Anyways, does the host remembers the first time he woke up in this world? Of course you do, how can one forget that kind of beating?"

Amon laughed seeing that Yang Chen successfully incited, he continued.

"Kukuku... my point is that at that time the host opened one of the Starter boxes right? That box could only be opened using a key that can be purchased from the [Shop]. Since the host looked like he was about to die, I took the liberty to take some loan to purchase the key"

"Kukuku... host needs to be grateful to Amon" The demon puffed his chest and boasted.

"How much loan did you take?" Yang Chen asked curiously.

"Just 100 points" Amon replied.

Yang Chen's face immediately became ashen when he heard that. According to the rough calculation that he made, he should have earned more than 300 points from his five level-ups.

However, when he opened the menu he only had the ones he received after killing those five people. Then didn't it mean that the remaining points were used to repay the loan?

If repaying only a hundred points took so much of his points what would happen if he borrowed more than 100 points? Goddammit, this was no loan, but a scam. Yang Chen made a mental note to never use it.