Chapter 13 - 13- Gale Sword

Chapter 13: Chapter 13- Gale Sword

Well, in any case, it was a good thing that he can earn mischief points by levelling up too. This gave him an additional method of earning mischief points in the future.

Now that he has accumulated some mischief points, it was time for him to buy something.

Yang Chen took his time and deliberated over what to buy. He had 900 points with him, so he could even buy some Mid Tier Earth Grade battle skills.

As Amon had mentioned before, the higher the tier of the battle skill, the more power it can display. If he could buy an attack skill here, then along with his [Burst Steps] skill, wouldn't he be able to fight the Demonic Beasts more efficiently?

The reason why Yang Chen was not instantly transacting the points for a skill, was because the sword in his hand had almost reached the end of its lifespan. The blade of the sword had become dull, it had many dings and cracks and would not doubt break in the next fight.

Perhaps a blacksmith might be able to refine it and bring it back to life; however, where would he find a blacksmith? Therefore Yang Chen had no choice but to consider buying a better weapon.

The steel sword in his hand was a cheap weapon after all, the fact that it had allowed him to come this far and kill so many demonic beasts were already doing more than what he could ask for.

After weighing the importance of the two, Yang Chen finally decided to go with purchasing a weapon. In any case, even if he bought a powerful battle skill, he would have to practice it over and over again before it can become useful.

However, a weapon would instantly allow him to increase his strength. Plus it was far too dangerous and bothersome to face demonic beasts without any weapon.

Now that he had made up his mind, Yang Chen asked Amon to bring out a list of weapons that he could buy for his current points.

Seeing how that this annoying mascot of ademon did not make a snide remark this time, he believed that he made a right choice by buying a weapon.

After a while, his eyes involuntarily swept towards Amon who lazily leaning back with his hands behind his head. Seeing that unconcealed smirk that was hanging around the corner of his mouth, Yang Chen realised that this guy definitely knew something.

Amon claimed that he was the consciousness of the Greedvil system, then doesn't it mean that he knew the inside and out of everything that was a part of the system including the [Shop]?

"Out with it, what are you concealing from me?" Yang Chen demanded.

"Kukuku... I thought that the host was about to purchase that sword. What is it, have you decided otherwise? The sword is two stars you know, you cannot buy it for this many points, this is basically a bargain" Amon grinned, a deceptive light shining in its eyes.

This bastard!! He was trying to tempt him to buy the sword. Yang Chen extended his hands and tried to grab the devil only to realise that his hand simply passed through it as if Amon was some kind of hologram.

"Fufufu... host cannot touch me, it is useless to release your anger at me" the grin on the tiny demon's face deepened.

Realising that he was unable to do anything to Amon, Yang Chen's frustration increased.

"If you are the consciousness of the system, then tell me why this sword costs so less even though it is a two star weapon?" he pointed at the fellow and bombarded him with facts.

"Kfufufu... Amon is willing to help... if the host requests politely and say please that is".

This bastard was enjoying his plight.

Request politely? My ass. He wasn't going to bow down before the other party fixed their attitude towards him. Since that was the case, Yang Chen glared at Amon and stopped bothering with the latter.