Chapter 14 - 14- Defective

Chapter 14: Chapter 14- Defective

No matter what, he had his own pride. He wouldn't go out of his way and plead to that demon.

That being said, Yang Chen was at least able to realise something was wrong with the gale sword from the attitude of the demon. As such, he decided to buy a simple steel longsword for 300 points and save the rest for when he needed it.

In any case, the demonic beasts here weren't strong enough to require him to purchase a two star weapon, even a simple steel longsword was enough to do the trick.

What's more, given the limited amount of mischief point that he had with him, it would be a foolish choice to spend them all on the Gale Sword which looked quite shady. on didn't wait for Amon to spout any remark and quickly transacted the 300 points for the Steel longsword.

The Steel Longsword might be an ordinary weapon like the steel sword, but it was made of a much better quality metal than the latter.

Right after the Longsword appeared in his hand after getting transported through some unknown space, Amon finally opened his mouth.

"Kukuku... since the host has decided otherwise from buying that sword, let me tell you about it now. You made the right choice. The reason for that sword to be so cheap was because it was defective".

Yang Chen's eyes shook when he heard that, he was almost about to buy a defective sword. it was a good thing that he had held back his greed and chosen otherwise from buying or else all of his points would have gone to waste.

Amon was pleased seeing the shocked look in Yang Chen's eyes and explained more.

"Let me tell you one more thing, had you bought that sword, it would have broken apart after just one use of the skill. The skill that the Gale Sword bestowed might be powerful at your level, however, it would clearly be a waste to use your hard earned points for a skill that you could only use once".

"SIGH... I was too impulsive at that time. After gaining a new body that moved and a system like the games that I loved so, I accidentally mixed up both and was unable to tell them apart" Yang Chen muttered bitterly.

For some reason, even though he had killed those five guys, he felt no remorse nor any negative emotions. It was as if the people he had killed were merely some mob NPCs that spawned around in the game randomly.

Due to his actions and the Zhang clan being a local powerhouse around this part, he couldn't leave the forest and appear near any town for fear of getting targeted.

If he got caught his life would be extremely miserable. Hence Yang Chen had no choice but to venture deeper inside the forest and raise his strength until he no longer has to fear the Zhang clan.

In this world, one who has the bigger fist, was the king. If he became powerful enough, the Zhang clan would have no choice but to drop the issue.

Resolving himself to get stronger, Yang Chen rested his exhausted body. The morning of the next day, Yang Chen got up at the first signs of dawn and started venturing deeper inside the jungle.

According to the local legends that was going around these parts of the land, the star fall jungle was named such because of an extremely powerful demonic beast that resided inside it.

It was said that its power was so bright that it looked like a star in the night sky. Of course, Yang Chen had no intention of meeting such a powerful beast. He would be squashed like an ant given his current powers.

That being said, the star fall jungle was quite vast spanning for more than three thousand kilometres. Yang Chen was currently just around the outer region of the jungle. As one started heading deeper, the strength of the monster would also get higher.

Yang Chen was hoping to increase his strength while he slowly progressed deeper into the forest.

After disposing off two wild boars whose strength were around that of a five star battle apprentice, Yang Chen was just about to cut their meats for his breakfast, when suddenly he heard some loud screams from an area not very far from him.